Haania sp. (Moss Mantis)


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Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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OK, this is the new breeding project. Wish me luck...

I apologize the video is not quite up to my usual standard. For some reason my camcorder lost all the settings I'd honed in over the past 2 years and I didn't notice until half the footage had been shot. You may not see any difference but the depth of field is not what it should be. I'm sure I'll get more footage as they mature.













Dance mantis, dance !! Remarkable images, as always. I wonder if you use a separate device for video? Or DSLR for both. Am taking an intro-to-video class next week, sponsored by PBS. Maybe in 20 years I can reach your skill sets.

Those pictures are amazing as usual. Really breath taking. Good luck breeding your pair! :)
Thanks! I'll do my best.

wow! how many banks did u have to rob to afford those things? :tt2: lol jk
I've been sworn to secrecy by the supplier but the price was not an obstacle.

Wow! I'm so glad that you have them. Thanks for sharing the great photos.

Are they hard to care for?
Thanks, man! They seem very easy. Zero issues so far. The male molted a few days ago (photos are pre-molt, video post-molt) and everything went smoothly. Unfortunately I missed watching by only 15 minutes! Grrr!

Dance mantis, dance !! Remarkable images, as always. I wonder if you use a separate device for video? Or DSLR for both. Am taking an intro-to-video class next week, sponsored by PBS. Maybe in 20 years I can reach your skill sets.
I use a Canon HFS200 camcorder for video. I haven't experimented very much using the T2i for video, but from all I've read it overheats very quickly. I also suspect the camcorder is a little more forgiving when it comes to lighting. I could be wrong though and really should take the time to find out for sure. One thing I do know for sure is the camcorder captures better depth of field than my DSLR macro lenses so in that regard it may be the better choice. Would be nice to have a larger sensor but those camcorders are way too pricey.

I've never seen a mantis make that "Drumming" motion quite that way, very interesting.

Glad to see these are finally in the US and even more glad they landed in your capable hands.

Wow nice! What instar are they in the pictures?
I don't know for sure but the wing buds suggest to me they are still a few molts from adult.

Incredible!! Good luck with them :)
Thank you!

I've never seen a mantis make that "Drumming" motion quite that way, very interesting.

Glad to see these are finally in the US and even more glad they landed in your capable hands.
Thanks! I hope I can live up to the challenge. It's unknown territory.

They remind me of Sibylla pretiosa with their long-legged build, movement and behavior. And that's immediately what I thought of when I saw the arm movements. Looking back at old footage of S.pretiosa theirs is more a whole body motion. They're more wobbly in the legs as they do it. So, yeah, it is pretty unique and they do it quite a lot.


As i said before

Perfect documentary ;)

next would be few sub sp from this family ;)

Perfect documentary ;)
next would be few sub sp from this family ;)
Yeah, Haania confusa! Then maybe Pogonogaster tristani, Majangella moultoni (or is this just an alternate name for Haania sp.?)...

Pogonogaster tristani

It's premature for me to offer any advice on care. Hopefully by the time they are in culture I'll have a better idea of what works and what doesn't. I'd rather not make recommendations that later turn out to be bad advice and since no one has them at this point it doesn't really matter anyway. I'm not trying to be mysterious. I just have a pet peeve about giving advice when you don't have the experience to back it up and I haven't had them long enough to speak with any authority.

I've yet to see an adult. In another few weeks I may have access to a few.
