Hello from Nebraska :)


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Active member
May 3, 2012
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I found a stagmomantis carolina on my neighbors house last winter after the first snow. I brought her in and cared for her until she passed in february. During that time she laid 6 oothecae. They started hatching about a week and a half ago. I have them in 3 different critter keepers (I taped the inside of the lid so they can't get through the slats). The first round of hatchlings have all died except for one, who has molted once and is almost twice the size of when they hatched. The other two rounds of hatchlings have just hatched within the last week. I'm very excited, and also anxious about the mortality rate. I think the first round died off because they just didn't eat. I have wingless fruitflies in there for them all, and I make sure there are always at least a few in there with them. When I add more, I just shake them out of the fruit fly jar into the containers. I mist them a few times a day, because they dry out really fast for some reason. the larger one has a dish with a sponge in it that I keep wet, and I spray the door on the lid with water as well. Any suggestions for keeping the mortality rate down? At this rate I'll have 4-6 that live out of 6 oothecae. This pic is the mom.

Glad to be here :)



Maybe put aphids as well they could be too fussy and not like fruit flies, or they are too quick/strong for some of the nymphs.

What temperature do you have them at? This species should be kept at around 77-86 F, the humidity should be maintained at 60 HM (you can pick up a hygrometer from most shops that sell reptiles).

It also sounds like you have no ventilation in the cage, they do require some air flow. Try covering the holes using a kitchen wipe cloth or paper towel. This may be your problem...

But any how, welcome from Australia! I'm sure a few people here would like some of your nymphs if you can get a lot to grow. May I ask how many hatched from one ootheca?

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welcome from CT!!! tape is bad for nymphs, use window screen to keep them in, cheap rolls r available at walmart

i keep stagmo hatchers in a net cage with raffia and feed them hydei flies and mist once daily

i only lost abt 30% ;)

Thank you all for the wonderful advice :)

the first ooth hatched 13 nymphs, the 2nd hatched 11 and the 3rd hatched 15. Still waiting for the other 3 to hatch. Out of the first ooth, I have 2 that are now 3/4 inch long (yes, I have 2 from that one, the 2nd was hiding!) They're a really pretty light green & I'm so excited that they're growing! I haven't lost any since taking all of the advice into practice, thanks! :)

I live in a small town just outside of Omaha. I pretty much keep to myself here. I have 4 cats, a beta fish, a bearded dragon, 3 human kids and my baby mantids to keep me enterained :)

2 from ooth #2 have succesfully molted! Now I just have to catch them to move them to the bigger enclosure...I'll post pics as soon as I have time! :D

Here are some pics of my babies...I'm having trouble getting them to upload properly...any suggestions for starting a gallery on here would be great. I can't seem to figure it out, it keeps asking me for a parent album but nothing is in the drop down box.

Thanks :) babymantis_0.jpegbabymantis_1.jpegbabymantis_2.jpegbabymantis_3.jpegbabymantis_4.jpegbabymantis_5.jpegbabymantis_6.jpegbabymantis_7.jpeg

Also, this is just uploading the thumbnails, not the edited & saved photos. Is there a way to fix that?

Here's the mom. I named her Zingor. She's a Stagmomantis Carolina:


And here are some pics of her babies. Not very good quality I know, they're just so small and my cell phone camera is lousy:



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