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Mar 22, 2008
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i bought an ootheca of a Idolomantis diabolica and now it has hatched and possibly still hatching. i've got roughly 26 healthy but wobbly nymphs and 4 nymphs that had difficulty during hatching and carn't seem to get control of their legs. i have been told they can be put together so i set up the healthy ones in a petpal on a heatmat with fruitflies, but the fruit flies seem abit small for these nymphs and i haven't seen 1 catch anything yet.

so if anyone with more experience in this species please give me some advice?


i bought an ootheca of a Idolomantis diabolica and now it has hatched and possibly still hatching. i've got roughly 26 healthy but wobbly nymphs and 4 nymphs that had difficulty during hatching and carn't seem to get control of their legs. i have been told they can be put together so i set up the healthy ones in a petpal on a heatmat with fruitflies, but the fruit flies seem abit small for these nymphs and i haven't seen 1 catch anything yet. so if anyone with more experience in this species please give me some advice?

wow im really envious - i want an ooth too. how long ago did they hatch; mantids dont start feeding immediately in my experience. it takes them a few days to get themselves together; they will just ignore the flies untill they are ready. the fruit flies should be ok to start with, they'll eat enough of them untill they are satisfied. a suitably high temp of 30c is also required for them to be really happy, and this is achieved by some kind of lamp set up.

hatched on wednesday, but haven't been really warmer than room temperature til today. but now their half on a heat mat (got no lighting setup to use)

hatched on wednesday, but haven't been really warmer than room temperature til today. but now their half on a heat mat (got no lighting setup to use)
i shouldnt worry if hatched on wednesday. they take a while to harden up, its the same after every moult. greater warmth will speed the process up. definitely worth getting the best set-up you can afford or make for those little devils. money should be no object for the king of mantids !! :lol:

any pics ?

Idolomantis nymphs are the rare kind of nymphs which can take houseflies as L1. Fruit flies (hydei I'm guessing) are too small for them and this may be your problem. Prey that is too small is sometimes ignored.

idolomantis nymphs that i got at L2 caught and ate plenty of hydeii even at L3, so while hydei are a bit on the small side, i dont think they are so small as to be ignored by a hungry mantis.

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im sure i can try house flies and see which they prefer. and those who are wondering how i got an idolo ooth, i won it on ebay against alot on competition. didn't realise at the time it was so sought after, i just thought it was pretty, of course then have been researching as much as i can

im sure i can try house flies and see which they prefer. and those who are wondering how i got an idolo ooth, i won it on ebay against alot on competition. didn't realise at the time it was so sought after, i just thought it was pretty, of course then have been researching as much as i can
well done. thats about the most sought after species. im seeing lots of mantids on there lately which is great. always a bit pricey for me unfortunately. theres a downside though, a few weeks ago there was some do gooding idiots on the ebay messageboard going on about an auction they'd spotted for mantids. goodness knows why they had a problem but i think they got it pulled - i couldnt belive it. corse i laid into them proper ;)

Don't you have two pairs MJ? I know Yen was breeding them.
yes..male is adult female is sub idol nympths at L5 took frute fly.. ;) ..i rember running out of flys and i only had frute was a nightmare for them to catch but they cought them.if your room isnt above 85f and u dont have a heat lamp them nympths wont last long.If u want to keep them your need to get some lamps..if not just send them to me.. ;)

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yes..male is adult female is sub idol nympths at L5 took frute fly.. ;) ..i rember running out of flys and i only had frute was a nightmare for them to catch but they cought them.if your room isnt above 85f and u dont have a heat lamp them nympths wont last long.If u want to keep them your need to get some lamps..if not just send them to me.. ;)
you can by clip on lamp holders ready to use from woolworths for a few quid. accept up to 60w bulb.

you can by clip on lamp holders ready to use from woolworths for a few quid. accept up to 60w bulb.
what i use is normal desk top lamps that have a screw in bulb,,i bought 2 from b+q for 12£..i then went to pet shop and get 2x sunglow basking bulbs..i have 2n 1ftx1ft net cages..i have the lamps out side the net cage..there stood on the floor pointing in at the cage..because my room is 80F adding the lamps has took the net cages to 90f..perfect ;)

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Very easy:

A breeder won't sell them on Ebay but he will make sure his highliy loved babies will get a nice new home at somebody who cares. Especially with Idolomantis! Think about it!

Well, the breeders of Idolomantis I know won't do that.

So this will be african wildcoughts which means destroying of African nature be somebody who didn't know anything about nature but wants to earn quick money.

But maybe I'm wrong and the ooths was captive breed.

edit: Buy the way, I do not support that. Buy from breeders and get vital animals together with all information you need. It makes me sad that somebody can buy it on Ebay but has no idea how to keep them - but cannot ask the seller for information because the seller has no idea of keeping them, just searching and selling them.

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I think they will dissapear in Africa soon, which means dissapear on our platet, if all people think this way. At least this thread prooves me.


I'm thinking of a new signature:




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maybe they will become more widespread if people do this. as it is, hard to locate them :(
i hope that to...this is 1 species iv always wanted to breed ever since seeing igors pics of a adult male threat pose.oh this is my pic by the way..i love this species so much.


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