Horrible Shooting


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Thanks for your explanations :)

Alex, I have bipolar AND borderline troubles, so I didn't point my finger on mental illnesses, I'm sick too... But as you said, we can live with our troubles without killing people and/or using illness as an excuse... But who knows, anyone, even mentally healthy people can snap for a reason... The question remains : how to prevent that.
You are very welcome.

I think we're all sick in some way, if that's the word you want to use.. mentally abnormal is my preferred term for it. And I agree, hopefully someday we'll figure out how to prevent things like this from happening without resorting to more extreme violence.

You are very welcome.

I think we're all sick in some way, if that's the word you want to use.. mentally abnormal is my preferred term for it. And I agree, hopefully someday we'll figure out how to prevent things like this from happening without resorting to more extreme violence.
I don't feel mentally abnormal, maybe mentally different...lol In my case it's a physical bipolarity, the gland that create natural stabilizer doesn't work (not sure how to explain that in english...), it's not due to a trauma or something that happens to me, I'm born like that. I often use expression : I have a brain diabete...XD

I don't feel mentally abnormal, maybe mentally different...lol In my case it's a physical bipolarity, the gland that create natural stabilizer doesn't work (not sure how to explain that in english...), it's not due to a trauma or something that happens to me, I'm born like that. I often use expression : I have a brain diabete...XD
I understand it. I feel the same way with being different, though my case isn't the exact same... and I have a loose understanding of bipolar disorders, my mother was bipolar. I use abnormality since in all my psych classes that was the technical term mainly. xD

My feeling is this mother isolating her kid from others because he was troubled rather than letting him figure it out in life for himself made him feel different, perhaps inferior, and he snapped

Perhaps he had a nightmare or flashback

Ive been through certain things in my life (which i will not share in any detail) that are probably dwarfed by what this kid went through and i still, almost a year later, have nightmares about it sometimes, and the nightmares often involve cannibalism, so damage stays with people but it doesnt mean they go out and hurt people as a result

Heres another problem i see:

Everybodys fine until they snap according to society, and thats the problem

Society demands so much of us that we crack in one way or another

U dont see other species with nearly as many issues as us mainly because they dont have as strict of a social system

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I don't know how, in US, mental disorder are accepted or tolerate. Here, when you are mentally ill, society make everything to make you feel ashamed, you're a jerk, useless to anyone, useless to society...

My only luck is that my mom is a psychiatric nurse, she always took me up, she is my strength still actually. Medication is a part of my treatment but my mom is my blessing, she helps me so much, everyday and for everything. Without Her I think I would have definively end all that in my head... And my husband helps too even if he doesn't understand some of my reactions sometimes. They are the only two people able to calm me when I have a crisis. And after years of help, I barely manage myself alone. I have a good medication and love and comprehension from mom and hubby. I have a very few close friends, those who aren't afraid of me (I'm really asocial, agoraphobic) but they take me as I am and I love them for that.

I feel safe and confident now. But it was a lot of work during a lot of years... But it's possible to have a barely normal life, you just have to want it.

My feeling is this mother isolating her kid from others because he was troubled rather than letting him figure it out in life for himself made him feel different, perhaps inferior, and he snapped

Perhaps he had a nightmare or flashback

Ive been through certain things in my life (which i will not share in any detail) that are probably dwarfed by what this kid went through and i still, almost a year later, have nightmares about it sometimes, and the nightmares often involve cannibalism, so damage stays with people but it doesnt mean they go out and hurt people as a result

Heres another problem i see:

Everybodys fine until they snap according to society, and thats the problem

Society demands so much of us that we crack in one way or another

U dont see other species with nearly as many issues as us mainly because they dont have as strict of a social system
Yeah, he definitely should have not been completely isolated like that, I agree it didn't help any...

And yes certain parts of society can make people crack, but that will unfortunately never change I don't think.

I don't know how, in US, mental disorder are accepted or tolerate. Here, when you are mentally ill, society make everything to make you feel ashamed, you're a jerk, useless to anyone, useless to society...

My only luck is that my mom is a psychiatric nurse, she always took me up, she is my strength still actually. Medication is a part of my treatment but my mom is my blessing, she helps me so much, everyday and for everything. Without Her I think I would have definively end all that in my head... And my husband helps too even if he doesn't understand some of my reactions sometimes. They are the only two people able to calm me when I have a crisis. And after years of help, I barely manage myself alone. I have a good medication and love and comprehension from mom and hubby. I have a very few close friends, those who aren't afraid of me (I'm really asocial, agoraphobic) but they take me as I am and I love them for that.

I feel safe and confident now. But it was a lot of work during a lot of years... But it's possible to have a barely normal life, you just have to want it.
That's good you had a support system and have people who care about you, even if it's only a handful... and it is possible, even in places like that.

I'm glad that I the US most mental disorders are accepted and tolerated by most people, though there are people who are iffy about it, don't understand it, or have wrong assumptions about things like that.

Schizophrenia actually runs in my family, and bipolar disorders and depressive disorders are common in my family as well, so I'm definitely glad that mental disorders are accepted more here.

I also have aspergers. It gave me some troubles in my past but not anymore except for some shyness. It gets in my way when I see a mushroom in someones yard, I hunt edible mushrooms. I feel too shy to knock on their door to ask if I can take it.

I do feel it is a partial gift. I am a handspinner and I think autistics are some of the most amazing artists. I learned to spin in a week and am very good at it. (Handspinning is the art of spinning animal furs and wools into yarn.)

I wonder if part of the young man's problem was he did not have something to focus his energy on like I do with my spinning g and mantids. That can really drive some nuts.

I guess we will never know what really went on in that house, will we? It shows the competency of the mother who knew he was off and puts guns in his hands. If she hadn't been killed she would have wished she had been, as all fingers would be pointing at her. She lucked out. :devil:

I guess we will never know what really went on in that house, will we? It shows the competency of the mother who knew he was off and puts guns in his hands. If she hadn't been killed she would have wished she had been, as all fingers would be pointing at her. She lucked out. :devil:
You're right, we will never know what exactly happened in their family life, and from interviews done of aunts and other relatives then other than him being a bit odd they are either clueless or lying about the whole thing to save face. Not quite sure which.

Has anyone heard anything more about the investigation into why that guy shot the children and teachers? I remember the investigators were having a tough time getting info from the computer hard drive.

I heard that there was another gun man that was arrested on the scene that was never publicized. To be honest I think the story is just getting weirder I just pray that tragaties such as this help bring us closer instead of make us vulnerable to mass manipulation in some direction this country should not take. Such as other past tragaties that lead to nonsense.

I heard that there was another gun man that was arrested on the scene that was never publicized. To be honest I think the story is just getting weirder I just pray that tragaties such as this help bring us closer instead of make us vulnerable to mass manipulation in some direction this country should not take. Such as other past tragaties that lead to nonsense.
But why must a tragedy happen before people can come together??

But why must a tragedy happen before people can come together??
well this may sound weird but ever since we left the garden (symbiotic relationship to the planet) we plunged into a long dark journey called history and have been trying to get our footing ever since. I believe we are in some type of gestation period and will be born again if we learn how to come together and solve all out problems together! the key is together and no one left behind every one is important and have many great things to bring forth.

He didn't use an "assault weapon." Gun control is not the answer. More gun control would not have prevented this. Even more gun control is not going to do a damn thing to stop these incidents. Do you actually think that stopping someone from owning an "assault weapon" is going to stop murderers from killing people? Are hunting rifles and shotguns not able to kill people? What about knives? Vehicles? Guns are not the problem, the whack jobs behind the gun are the problem. I read about a mass knifing in a school in China. See what I am getting at? I am an avid shooter and responsible gun owner, more gun control isn't the solution. Stop listening to the biased main stream media. Screaming more gun control is simply a knee jerk reaction.

And I wish everyone would stop calling the guy a shooter. I am a shooter. This guy and those like him are murderers, not shooters.
Very well put, I find the push to limit ones ability to protect their family's, hunt and shoot for sport to be a huge mistake, people don't get new laws do not take the guns out of the hands of the criminals and it doesnt stop and idiot from doing harm to others.

I still went out and bought a few more 30 round mags for the M4 just in case.


I heard on the news that the police is having trouble getting ammunition now, because the general public is buying so much of it.
