How does your family view your mantis keeping hobby?


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To tell you the truth, My father is an expert keeping mantids.He kept 3 male and 4 females of Deroplatys desiccata when he was a teenager.He is not interest in Mantids now but he does give some tips.And as for my mother, my mom hate cockroaches and she wants me to feed my mantis cockroaches, so I do what she says and my mom appreciate it...As for my Friends, they think it is interesting but some say weird, as for my Best friend or My girl friend... :rolleyes: She is breeding a Hymenopus Coronatus...

It is nice that your girlfriend shares your interest in mantids! :)

To tell you the truth, My father is an expert keeping mantids.He kept 3 male and 4 females of Deroplatys desiccata when he was a teenager.He is not interest in Mantids now but he does give some tips.And as for my mother, my mom hate cockroaches and she wants me to feed my mantis cockroaches, so I do what she says and my mom appreciate it...As for my Friends, they think it is interesting but some say weird, as for my Best friend or My girl friend... :rolleyes: She is breeding a Hymenopus Coronatus...

You are one lucky dude :D

My mom thinks it's creepy, but she asks how they are doing, my kids (I have 3) are jealous of time I spend "staring" at the bugs, but they named them. My 3 year old helps me catch feeder bugs outside. Thier friends think it's cool and my husband couldn't care less if they exist. They are kinda in his way I guess. Everyone has held one except him.

My girlfriend won't hold them either. She is scared of bugs. My 5 year old daughter loves everything about them. We are trying to get my girlfriend to hold them as a Christmas present for us. :p
