Ho thank you Yen for these precious documents and in french... just perfect for me

... I'm waiting them hoping it help us... You really want I translate in english... lol ... I'm too bad but My (enslaved) universal language speaking friend Ben will do that
By the way I want to thanks Yen for his precious time he spends to help us to identify the species we saw and his wise and valuable advices for this travel
I thanks also my two lovely

french friends Arnaud and Christophe (Arthropodia) who gives us lot of precious informations
I'm really happy to meet (not yet for Yen but soon) these persons who share their time and knowledges in the interest of all the breeders.
Soon more abdomen pictures for sexing the others specimens...
Thank also to brancsikia for the genus tips
So if I understand...
S1 ans S2 is Paratoxodera
S3 is Stenotoxodera
S4 and S5 are Toxodera
Am I right ?
The good news is that some of them eat some butterflies and seems quiet... We have good ventilated cages for them...
we are in Malaysian peninsula... we moving a lot... cameron highlands, penang etc...
Advices welcomed to help us maintaining them alive... we will release all the males (after pictures and video) but we will try to obtain some ooths from the females but for sure I'll not bring to USA any specimen (or any other mantids)... Don't want to have any problems with customs... sorry... I'm here first to make picture and video and I'm already totally satisfied to have this chance to see these beautiful species