Identification Malaysia february 2012


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Probably they 'll finish like a today dinner so if somebody want to rescue them... its last chance for that :)

I say the slender ones are males, and the thicker are females, but without the abdomen pic to hard to tell. But regardless, wonderful looking species, even if we never see them in person, it is nice to see pictures of them.

Yes it really a pleasure for us to see them and making pictures.

We will try better and in nature images soon (when the rain will stop!) and for sure abdomen pictures.

Amazing, hope you two the best in culturing any of these

So little is really known, about them, keep flooding the thread with pics guys

Malik, I will email you an article with keys for Toxoderinae species written by Roger Roy in 2009. It was great ID to that date although more species have probably been populated in Toxoderinae family. The article is in French which is great for you :) and i am hoping you have the time to translate some portion of the text :D

And please keep us updated on their behavior too! A couple of members had these in the past but I don't remember what ended up happening to the specimens. Best of luck and great pictures!


The genus with the curved pronotum is Toxodera.

The one with the very slim pronotum is Stenotoxodera.

The one witht the straight pronotum is Paratoxodera.

With the article that Yen sent it will be possible for you to id the species (if you need help please tell me).

For sexing them, pictures of the ventral tip of the abdomen are neccessary.



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Could you leave the mantis outside in a well ventilated cage or cup with many holes? Put some place where no animals will get it and eat them, but make sure there are air holes so possibly if they are female, some males might flock to them?

Also Malik, aside from I.D.'ing them, show some

aborigines what mantis ooths look like. Hopefully they will bring back some odd looking ooths. I still to this day, have not seen a single picture of a Tox. ooth.

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This time I died (almost) for true :angel:

There is S5-1 (Fifth species, specimen 1) and... Let see the pictures first...




We are almost sure... IT'S AN ADULT FEMALE !!!!

Bartek had to punch me several times to check I was still alive !!! (I have terrible bruises now lol)

lol, that is funny, maybe both of you are dead! That is so awesome looking, makes you wonder if it is even real. You guys do nice camera work!

ps, you know who the first pic of this species looks like? you know the dummy on Jeff 's show Walter! LOL

Ho thank you Yen for these precious documents and in french... just perfect for me ;) ... I'm waiting them hoping it help us... You really want I translate in english... lol ... I'm too bad but My (enslaved) universal language speaking friend Ben will do that :)

By the way I want to thanks Yen for his precious time he spends to help us to identify the species we saw and his wise and valuable advices for this travel

I thanks also my two lovely ;) french friends Arnaud and Christophe (Arthropodia) who gives us lot of precious informations

I'm really happy to meet (not yet for Yen but soon) these persons who share their time and knowledges in the interest of all the breeders.

Soon more abdomen pictures for sexing the others specimens...

Thank also to brancsikia for the genus tips

So if I understand...

S1 ans S2 is Paratoxodera

S3 is Stenotoxodera

S4 and S5 are Toxodera

Am I right ?

The good news is that some of them eat some butterflies and seems quiet... We have good ventilated cages for them...

we are in Malaysian peninsula... we moving a lot... cameron highlands, penang etc...

Advices welcomed to help us maintaining them alive... we will release all the males (after pictures and video) but we will try to obtain some ooths from the females but for sure I'll not bring to USA any specimen (or any other mantids)... Don't want to have any problems with customs... sorry... I'm here first to make picture and video and I'm already totally satisfied to have this chance to see these beautiful species :)

but if the female gives you ootheca, then you could take back to USA for culture

Keep them in the shade with EXCELLENT ventilation and some twigs to hang from, a net cage would be ideal. I beleive they are moth eaters, so butterflies and moths are a good way to go. try putting some honey or pollen on the food for the female too, so she may make better ooths ( like orchids / idolomantis etc)

best of luck

Hi exopet

That's seems very valuable informations about moths... We will try that for sure :)

About honey... I'm just afraid the honey stick to them... They seems so fragile... and we don't have pollen... I' try to find some...

We try to manipulate them as few as possible (only for pictures an video sequences)

the cages are the monarch cages (net) and we put twigs for them... they love to balance themself... hoping we don't see them ;)

Remember humidity, ventilation, small sticks, and a LARGE CAGE!


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