Well-known member
Very nice !!!
I got my first adult female last night
so slowing down my males is working out perfectly, I now have one adult of each sex with many more to come any day now of both sexes, timing is everything unless you have 50 quadrillion Idolo's which I don't, wish I had more time to get some pics but working 10-12 hours a day the last few weeks has limited my free time fun. But I will get some soon of the adults and there molting chambers that I put together...
If nothing is done to prevent it almost all the males will try to mature first, and the females need three+ weeks at adult to even think about mating, I've talked to many Idolo veterans on this.
Here's to wishing all the best of luck to those who are trying this beautiful species. And to Mark for making this thread and helping me out so much!
I got my first adult female last night
If nothing is done to prevent it almost all the males will try to mature first, and the females need three+ weeks at adult to even think about mating, I've talked to many Idolo veterans on this.
Here's to wishing all the best of luck to those who are trying this beautiful species. And to Mark for making this thread and helping me out so much!