Idolomantis Consolidated


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I have loosened up a bit though, as now i have insurance :p :p and they are great as a community!
Just to put your further at ease, I have L1s in with L2 and L3s with no problems. I catch the L1s lifting their arms threatening the bigger ones who turn and run away!

I cracked up yet again! Mosh Pit!!

Mine will go from victim to victim struting and threat posing, and the others just give him the stare down. As soon as one snaps at him, he runs away like flailing and making a fuss! Hillarious!

But by about l4 / l5, they all calm down, and you kind of miss it...

Concerning enclosures, I posted a thread called "Welcome to SpongeWorld", that I'm happy with (so far). (Here's a pic)


Also, I've done some putzing with other materials, including some paper-based insulation/filter stuff I found at Home Depot. Little nymphs LOVE climbing on it (and in it, which is a bit of an issue). I may hang strands of it from the ceiling to let them scurry about...


Here's an example of how I used it to line the sides (and keep at least a few of them off the ceiling).


After staring at my empire of Idolos, I just wanna say that they are THE most satisfying species I've ever had (well, yet). I hope the work we put in here leads to a large enough breeding community that everyone can have a go at them - even if it's just a lonely one or two GLORIOUS nymphs!

Concerning enclosures, I posted a thread called "Welcome to SpongeWorld", that I'm happy with (so far). (Here's a pic)

Here's an example of how I used it to line the sides (and keep at least a few of them off the ceiling).
Hahaha! SpongeWorld looks hilarious! They will think they're on another planet. :lol:

I would be very wary of mold using that paper material.

I have a pretty simple setup with my twig wall to one side and thin branches throughout. As I write this there is only one out of 16 nymphs hanging from the top. They are content to hang scattered throughout the branches.

After staring at my empire of Idolos, I just wanna say that they are THE most satisfying species I've ever had (well, yet). I hope the work we put in here leads to a large enough breeding community that everyone can have a go at them - even if it's just a lonely one or two GLORIOUS nymphs!

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I would be very wary of mold using that paper material.
Yeah - I think yer dead on. I'm keeping an eye out now for a plastic version. They really like the texture. It reminds me of camo netting for vehicles. But maybe they have the paintball version (neon) made of plastic. Needs research...

Agreed X2 , I love coming home saying hi to everyone, then It's a quick peek at my Idolo Zoo, a count on all the new molts, all with a big smile on my face. :D

Having 1-5 lets you have a good experience with them in a personal way, but when you have 10+ in one and over 30 in another you feel like a General in a MANTIS ARMY(Over the top I know) All I can say is I think their here to stay(Yahooo), in 6 months nobody will ever need to shop overseas for these bad boy's. ;)

Concerning enclosures, I posted a thread called "Welcome to SpongeWorld", that I'm happy with (so far). (Here's a pic)


Also, I've done some putzing with other materials, including some paper-based insulation/filter stuff I found at Home Depot. Little nymphs LOVE climbing on it (and in it, which is a bit of an issue). I may hang strands of it from the ceiling to let them scurry about...


Here's an example of how I used it to line the sides (and keep at least a few of them off the ceiling).

I actually use that paper material a lot for my mantis to molt on.. biggest thing that's used that has been the Deroplatys Lobata molting to adult

Can I easily sex my guys at L-4? help me out and give me some pointers, i have to say i am really bad at it, violins are easy and a few others but quite frankly i usually wait for wings. but of course i have the idolo excitement and want to know... :D thanks!

Agreed X2 , I love coming home saying hi to everyone, then It's a quick peek at my Idolo Zoo, a count on all the new molts, all with a big smile on my face. :D

Having 1-5 lets you have a good experience with them in a personal way, but when you have 10+ in one and over 30 in another you feel like a General in a MANTIS ARMY(Over the top I know) All I can say is I think their here to stay(Yahooo), in 6 months nobody will ever need to shop overseas for these bad boy's. ;)
to true! my five seem easy enough to keep up with. I did have a panic attack last night and thought i might have to use my insurance policy as i could only find 4 in the enclosure! it took me almost a half hour to find my missing guy, he had come down and was hanging on a low branch, he is still low today, so i am assuming he is the one that molted first to L-4 and soon will be an L-5. as when he molted to L-4 he spent 3-4 days on a lower stick before molting. (he was the only one that did that though, interesting!) and all are eating well!! my favorite thing is to release flies and watch all of them grab one and munch and rock! these guys are great and so far my favorite!

i have been using drywall patch tape/wrap, if you will. not exactly sure what it's called but it's used to patch up drywall, rather one of the methods. it comes in a duct tape like roll and you layer it over the area before applying the the mud/paint. it's thin netting material that only sticks, not binding kind of way, to other pieces, so i've lined the screen top with that. as far as i know it's safe, durable, and cheap for a good amount. i've played around folding pieces over and it can easily be tailored however you like - a long net across the enclosure, or draped, placed loosely or applied firmly. it doesn't have a sticking compound or substance. i can't say that it has helped anything because i've used it since acquiring these guys and haven't done differently, but it hasn't hurt anything, not messy, and actually seems befitting for our purposes.

all of mine molt from branches - usually the lower ones - L1 - L4 - granted I have a smaller number - 6 individuals - but every single molt except one when they were L1/L2s and in their first ten gallon enclosure. I also used a cheap, replacement window screen picked up from meijers as the top of that enclosure b/c the screen was pretty thin and not as hard, defined metal screen top. Also, since it is a window, you can adjust it bc it slides - so one top, or slide on the other top if you are losing too much humidity or need to clean one. I would sometimes put a little honey on the screen for the flies, and this came in handy. I've seen my idolos taking quicks nibbles of the honey as well and remember because we were discussing if they drink water . The heat mat I have seems to help quite a bit - and I'll catch one of them lounging and scavenging around through the substrate moss. They even go far and attempt to catch any groundwelling fly that crosses or comes qithin close proximity.

My L4s - molted from L3's in less than two weeks - 12 days - L3-L4. Seems quick according to the sheet - Precarious / Sporeworld...right? L2 - L3 was pretty fast as well...I'll check - I send a message to Nick every molt since he's a good dude and checks in to make sure things are going swimmingly with the dragons.

and Christian said in order for the ooths to hatch - no higher than 75f/24c at night, right? yes he said 24c max...just checking. is he referring to throughout the entire lifespan of the idolo or when adults or if/when the female actually has the ooth/s?? any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


i have been using drywall patch tape/wrap,
I'll have to loo into that. Sounds good.

My L4s - molted from L3's in less than two weeks - 12 days - L3-L4. Seems quick according to the sheet - Precarious / Sporeworld...right?
Yeah. What's your heat like? I'm beating all my old times with higher heat. (I know - it's not a race).

Christian said in order for the ooths to hatch - no higher than 75f/24c at night, right? yes he said 24c max...just checking. is he referring to throughout the entire lifespan of the idolo or when adults or if/when the female actually has the ooth/s??
That's just for incubation.

... he had come down and was hanging on a low branch, he is still low today, so i am assuming he is the one that molted first to L-4 and soon will be an L-5. as when he molted to L-4 he spent 3-4 days on a lower stick before molting. (he was the only one that did that though, interesting!) and all are eating well!! my favorite thing is to release flies and watch all of them grab one and munch and rock! these guys are great and so far my favorite!
I noticed some doing that, too. What I HAVEN'T noticed (or noted) is the outcome of that behavior? If you've got a small group, you have the advantage on me in observation. Be curious to see if there are other behaviors the low-hangers exhibit...? Smaller...? Males/Females? Curious to see what happens...

I strongly feel those low hangers(I have many of them) are just a little smarter and don't want to run the risk of being eaten by the guy (or girl) next to him during the fragile molting process, nothing more or less?

I'm running a IQ test now to find out. How do you guy's get them to hold a pencil again?

If I joke around too much just say "enough already Nick' and I'll just go into Guru :fortuneteller: mode and only type thing's that make me sound smart as a whip from there out. But don't hold me to that. :whistling:

Mark and I both got our first 2 batch's at the same time, I use moderate heat (86-92) and his are more like 105+, and so far his seem to be maturing somewhat faster than mine in general, but it is a race to the death after all. I think I would like mine around a while, even if I can just make more(hopeful ooth's). Not that I think it's wrong to get them to adult quickly, I just want to smell the roses along the way...

Mark and I both got our first 2 batch's at the same time, I use moderate heat (86-92) and his are more like 105+, and so far his seem to be maturing somewhat faster than mine in general, but it is a race to the death after all. I think I would like mine around a while, even if I can just make more(hopeful ooth's). Not that I think it's wrong to get them to adult quickly, I just want to smell the roses along the way...
Just as an experiment I'm keeping one at very low temperatures (in the freezer) and so far it doesn't seem to have matured at all. :unsure:

Yeah, my hope is to put as much distance as is safe between the groups. I'd like to have more than a month of adults. If I slow the last group and speed the first, I think I'll get close to 4 months. That should take care of any gender gaps (remember, the female has an extra molt).

Only SOME of mine are at 105f (daytime). Other are 90f, 85f, and variable. I'm also doing a sub-test on constant light. I've already botched it a bit, but I want to see if there are any differences in a group that never get's darkness. I suspect the day/night cycle isn't absolutely necessary. I kinda think drops in temp and humidity aren't either, but I'm out of experimental enclosures at the moment. :-(

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