Incubation Success...


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So I should take it outside? I have it in a ambient temp room with no drafts with a light on it that mimics outside light

You can leave it inside if you want, no light necessary. All you have to do is mist the container daily. Might help to set it next to an open window to ventilate it.

Since you have a limbata ooth and live in SoCal, you can probably just leave that exo terra in your backyard and it will hatch naturally w/out having to mist it.
Careful with that though... If the glass enclosure gets exposed to direct sunlight we won't be talking about SoCal weather anymore... :helpsmilie:

My creo laid her 6th ooth yesterday morning:


and my ghost has laid her 12th today:


Mike, congratulations on your success. I'm pretty sure that ghosts and creos were my first ooths that hatched. I hope you are able to add orchid and blepharopsis mendica ooths to your hatch list!

Mike, congratulations on your success. I'm pretty sure that ghosts and creos were my first ooths that hatched. I hope you are able to add orchid and blepharopsis mendica ooths to your hatch list!
Thanks, Tammy! I hope so too! We'll have some nymphs to split if that orchid ooth hatches. 2-3 more weeks and we find out. ;)


Great pictures and thanks for all the updates on the time frames, number of nymphs, etc. Very informative.

I have a Creo that has laid 3 ooths so far and it is kept at room temperature. I also live in So Calif. Do you think the ooths will hatch in about the same about of time? 4 to 6 weeks?

Thanks and keep up the good work!


Great pictures and thanks for all the updates on the time frames, number of nymphs, etc. Very informative.

I have a Creo that has laid 3 ooths so far and it is kept at room temperature. I also live in So Calif. Do you think the ooths will hatch in about the same about of time? 4 to 6 weeks?

Thanks and keep up the good work!
Thanks, and glad you like it. :cowboy: I think my creos hatched in exactly one month, so keep an eye on your first ooth on the fourth week. I also keep mine at room temperature. Good luck and feel free to post pics/# of nymphs here when it happens.

Thanks Mike, I'll be sure to keep a close eye on them as the time approaches.

I'll update date you on the progress. Your setups are really cool. I like your custom acrylic containers with the mesh.

You mentioned misting the container daily and that you don't mist the ooth itself. I have read some posts where some people mist the ooth. Have you found it better to not mist the ooth? I guess the ooth could possibly get mold.

I would also be interested to see what the survival rate is to L2, etc on the Creos and Ghosts. I know you plan to give some away but on the ones that you will keep.

Thanks again,


Thanks Mike, I'll be sure to keep a close eye on them as the time approaches.

I'll update date you on the progress. Your setups are really cool. I like your custom acrylic containers with the mesh.

You mentioned misting the container daily and that you don't mist the ooth itself. I have read some posts where some people mist the ooth. Have you found it better to not mist the ooth? I guess the ooth could possibly get mold.

I would also be interested to see what the survival rate is to L2, etc on the Creos and Ghosts. I know you plan to give some away but on the ones that you will keep.

Thanks again,

I avoid misting the ooths directly to prevent mold. You can probably get away with it if you have enough ventilation, but I wouldn't risk it. I noticed my you get a high survival rate if you simply just split the nymphs up into several containers. I noticed a few of my creos died in a small deli container, but no fatalities in the larger one. Same applies for ghosts.

The morning after they hatch, my oxyopsis g. are already taking down hydei and not a single fatality yet. I like this species even more already:


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Another creo ooth hatched this morning. Not too sure how many nymphs there are this time, but it's a lot. EDIT: I counted the nymphs as best as I could and there's 75 total:


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Congratz! :clap: :clap: Boy Mike, youre having a lot of success with all of your mantids! ;) Keep it up! woot woot! :D

All the best,


Yes! I had an incubation success of my own yesterday.


I know they look like ghosts, but they are a bit longer and skinnier.

Phyllothelys Werneri :)
