When you see a building, how do you know there was a builder? If you see a painting, do you doubt there was a painter if he isn't prsent? If a building requires a builder or a painter for a painting, then creation requires a creator.
this commits 2 logical fallacies:
1. tautology
2. begging the question
these incorrectly used tautologies begs the question, "does this line of reasoning apply to everything?" the answer is, "no."
does a building require a builder? yes.
does a painter require a painter? yes.
does a rock require a rocker? no.
does a turntable require a turntabler/turntablist? no.
does a cloud require a clouder? no.
does water require a waterer? no.
so if the begged question (does this line of reasoning apply to everything?) is false, then what does this line of reasoning apply to? things that we all agree are DESIGNED.
thus, to say that creation requires a creator is ASSUMING that creation is designed. once again, this falls back to the original challenge - prove to me that there is an intelligent designer (creationism) without resorting to circular logic (or begging the question).
Want to hear a theory of where the soda can came from? Billions of years ago, a bubbly brown liquid formed and sat on a rock. Then over billions of years, liquid metal formed around the object and completed itself with a pull tab. Then colored pigment formed the words 12 fl. oz. Does this sound ridiculous? Then consider the "Atheist's Nightmare", the banana. It has three grooves on one side and two on the other that fit the human hand, better than a soda can. It has an outer casing that tell you the expiration date like a can, green too early, yellow just right, brown too late. It also has a pull tab and is biodegradable. It also fit the human mouth exactly.
while this is not a tautology, this once again begs a question(s). one question it begs is, "what about all the other fruits that aren't nearly as accommodating to humans?" another two logical fallacies this commits is stacking the deck and correlation does not imply causation. just because a banana HAPPENS to be so accommodating and convenient for humans does not necessarily mean it was intelligently designed. in fact, out of the millions of different types of fruit out there, it would be unusual if there wasn't at least ONE fruit that just HAPPENS to be as accommodating as the banana. statistics dictates that out of the millions of different types of fruits, at least one will be as convenient. this is a type of i
ntellectual dishonesty and/or laziness where you give only the evidence that supports your premise, while disregarding or withholding contrary evidence. and believe me, i'm well aware that christian apologetics stack the deck ALL THE TIME. that was the only way i could have taught my sunday school class on apologetics while i was a christian after all - i willingly ignored evidence to the contrary.
If you would like to truly challenge your doubts then I suggest you go to www.wayofthemaster.com
haha, no thanks.
actually, i suggest that you find better apologetics. Way Of The Master was brutally raped by the Rational Response Squadwithin the first 5 minutes of this nationally televised christianity vs. atheism debate on ABC:
part 1 of 2
part 2 of 2
for the sake of christians, they should have picked a better team than way of the master. of course, that wasn't possible because ABC picked the teams (from what i understand).
way of the master teaches you how to effectively employ propaganda tactics, NOT logic.