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I agree with GreenOasis completely. And Phil, despite her words directed to you or "describing" you, I wouldn't take it so seriously as to bring up other unnrelated matters (e.g., the Frey ordeal).

Thanks for the advice, Mantidlord, I shall certainly give it the consideration it deserves.. Are you as generous in instructing your teachers, your parents? I foresee a really interesting academic career ahead for you!

Nope! I only "instruct" the poor souls who take what someone says about them on the internet too seriously ;) :p :D

You should lighten up, don't fit the stereotype of egotistical scientists. I respect your input on these forums Phil, but when you try to impose on others or worse personally insult them, you're doing yourself an injustice.

Nope! I only "instruct" the poor souls who take what someone says about them on the internet too seriously ;) :p :D

You should lighten up, don't fit the stereotype of egotistical scientists. I respect your input on these forums Phil, but when you try to impose on others or worse personally insult them, you're doing yourself an injustice.
Forgive me for saying so, but there is something quite cute about your confident, high school judgments! I'm still recovering from your judgement about when abortion is murder and when something else! Still, Sunny, at 17, bullies me all the time, though she is seriously bright (and seriously cute). BTW, I am not a scientist, not even a stereotypical one. What ever gave you that mistaken idea? Certainly not I. :D

Forgive me for saying so, but there is something quite cute about your confident, high school judgments! I'm still recovering from your judgement about when abortion is murder and when something else! Still, Sunny, at 17, bullies me all the time, though she is seriously bright (and seriously cute). BTW, I am not a scientist, not even a stereotypical one. What ever gave you that mistaken idea? Certainly not I. :D
Hmmm I'm still recovering from the many times you insist I made such comments.

Go ahead and read the first line of the first post on the page. Never said abortion was murder did I? Didn't think so.

Anyway, I just find it extremely interesting that you often target someone's personal attributes when they are unrelated to an argument, for example, someone's english. Or how you bring up irrelevant things in a discussion (the Frey thread and abortion), your off topic rants are sometimes mildly amusing, but in situations like this, please stick to the topic.

And judgements are judgements, regardless of high school or college. However I'm making observations that others have also made about your behavior, so it can't just be a high school thing. Oh, and yes I spell "judgements" with the extra "e" so you don't find something ridiculous to criticize when you reply to this.

Hmmm not a scientist, just an average guy with a doctorate I assume, fair enough. I apologize for the early assumption, but my advice about having a big ego remains the same. But to answer your question (and to inflate your ego), you're broad knowledge on biological processes and connections with other scientists (as well as you yourself having a doctorate) led me to believe you were a scientist.

back to hybrids. A short time ago I had a whole stock of pigeons, and cause when you add food to them they multiple like crazy, I was being overrun. so I build this other cage and threw in a bunch of youngsters, of mixed species together. The species where Homer (aka racing pigeon, who were bred to go back to the nest from very far away places, with moderate maternal instincts), Majorkin pigeons (small in size but faster fliers, and with good maternal instincts), Magpies (moderate maternal instincts + unique colouring), fantail (unique feathering, + good maternal instincts) and a pair of big pigeons (don't know the name, but they're double the size of normal ones) and some collared doves(very calm species).

what I noticed was that for the first few months, they continued to breed "pure" until various young ones ended up as adult(those that didn't end up as broth) with "no mate" started to breed with others, and the amazing thing was that they took the good traits of each breed - hatching rate was over 95% except for the big ones, which never bred for me - pity I never tested the homer Xbreeds, due to no time for training etc.

in conclusion, who said hybrids are always not viable and better than the parent stock? (same thing applies to other birds aswell - the only drawback is fertility when there is a bigger leap in species, like canary x Greenfinch/linnet/etc)

BLAH BLAH BLAH. If you don't have anything nice to say, visit Has anyone heard of the word, petty? Well I have and all I can offer is pity.

I'm glad that i was wrong in thinking that you believed that abortion deserves the death penalty or life imprisonment, that must have been some other young Christian lad.

I glanced at that old thread, though and was impressed, first by your anger and secondly by your insulting remarks. You actually called PG a hypocrite! That is very naughty.I, On the other hand, I never call anyone anything insulting, ever.

Sometimes, when the pain is particularly irritating (not even a noble war wound, I'm afraid, just a rather frazzled sciatic nerve), I am shorter than i would prefer with folks who, like a recent member, insult me or say something that amounts to misinformation.. This is not and never can be an excuse, but it is a reason.

I have no idea of why you are so belligerent and rude and fear that it may hurt yr academic career, unless you learn the basics of argument. There is something, though, that I can do, and that is to decline to engage you in any future conversation. This is not done out of anger or to insult you, it is simply a recognition of the fact that we are operating on two very different wavelengths.

I'm glad that i was wrong in thinking that you believed that abortion deserves the death penalty or life imprisonment, that must have been some other young Christian lad.
not wanting to deviate the thread more, but stop stereotyping this. It is true that I am Christian, and believe abortion is a bad thing, but so do some of my other friends which are muslim, hindu, and whatever other religion they are. And I'm not some devout brainwashed christian, its just a personal opinion.

back to topic - I wouldn't mind Xbreeds as long as the breeder states it so, esp if they're some real cool looking animals.

Phil, once again you bring up irrelevant things in a thread (what I said to PG) and you insult my character. But unlike you, I couldn't care less what you think you know about me. How am I rude when I told you clearly that I respect your opinion? Hm, apparently you don't know the definition. But whatever the case, I'm done trying to speak nonsense into someone who is clearly the belligerent and conflict seeking individual. Have a nice life Phil, I know I will in college (and I mention college because you seem so adamant about my academic life as well as my religion. Again, focusing on personal issues. You need help man, but I still respect the information you put out there, just not your conduct and misguided opinions.

I am sorry I have not read much of the previous thread :lol: .

Unfortunately my Popa male got eaten(I forgot about him...).So I could not mate him with my Popa sp female.

But I am a bit stubborn so I just mated a Creo elongata male(long wing tail) with a Creo pictipennis female.He was in for sure!

Lets wait and see now.

Thank you all for your advice!

Is it possible to get sperm/semen from a male mantis and then impregnate a female mantis of a different species?

I I don't think that this should be too difficult. Sacrifice the male by dissecting out the posterior segments while he is alive but immobilized, under a dissecting microsocope to remove one or more fresh spermatophers with a flexiible micropipette containing normal saline to simulate the male aedeagus. After discarding the male, place the female on the microscop stage and insert the tip of the micropipette into the genital chamber and finally into the spermatheca and express the fluid containing the spematophores. The pipette can then be withdrawn.

Since they are different species, the chances of the male's sperm fertalizing the female's "eggs' is very remote, but you should have a lot of fun, and several dead mantises, while trying. :lol:

Or to put it another way, No way!

I remember Creobroter elongata ooth being orange colored.

Would that means that the general color of the ooth is given by male genes?

No, the proteinaceous material that comprises the ooth is generated purely by the female.

Am I right in thinking that the cross bred nymphs have not hatched yet? Keep us informed! If they do hatch, then I imagine that you will cross the F1 nymphs. If they have fertile offspring, what will you do then?

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No hatch yet the ooth is 2 to 3 days old.

I will keep you informed for sure!

What would I do then?Give it a name.What do you think of "Creobroter elongpennis"?A little bit too hard maybe...

