is it safe to use fairy liquid whilst cleaning out my mantis tank?


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Well-known member
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
I recently got a new tank and its starting to smell..

i normally just use hot water.

just wanna be on the safe side :)

I recently got a new tank and its starting to smell..i normally just use hot water.

just wanna be on the safe side :)
For Americans, "Fairy Liquuid" is not made by the faeries that live in Arkanis's garden and delight his kids, it is a very long-established brand of washing up (dish washing) soap. I use something similar to wash my deli cups, and I'd just suggest that you take care to rinse it out very thoroughly after washing, Becky. I heard somewhere that it is mildly abrasive, though, so it might not be good for plastic cups.

For Americans, "Fairy Liquuid" is not made by the faeries that live in Arkanis's garden and delight his kids, it is a very long-established brand of washing up (dish washing) soap. I use something similar to wash my deli cups, and I'd just suggest that you take care to rinse it out very thoroughly after washing, Becky. I heard somewhere that it is mildly abrasive, though, so it might not be good for plastic cups.
im using a glass tank :)

Never heard of it, but if Phil says ok, then it is ok! I use a blech alternative dish soap on all my mantis stuff and never a problem.

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I just use super hot water but if I need a cleaner I use something natural or organic. They sell a lot of all natural cleaners in stores these days! GO GREEN! :p

Never heard of it but I just use dish soap. This isn't rocket science.

This isn't rocket science.
Always best to check when using chemicals around pets though, i have used flash in the past to disinfect enclosures, but i was very very careful when rinsing them out and it had no negative effect on the ghosts living in it, but i do prefer to stick to hot water when i can.

Always best to check when using chemicals around pets though, i have used flash in the past to disinfect enclosures, but i was very very careful when rinsing them out and it had no negative effect on the ghosts living in it, but i do prefer to stick to hot water when i can.
What I mean is that this hobby is not difficult in general. Just use common sense. I wash my own dishes with dishsoap so I know it wiill be fine for mantids. I've even used bleach on enclosures before. If you do it right and rinse well it is fine.


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