Leaving a pair of P.wahlbergii together


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Well, my two just mated... for about 30 seconds... Hmmm. I watched him as he connected up, there was a piece of on his rear, would that have caused a prob? (dropped off now). Also, the female attacked a fly at the moment just before he stopped mating, would that have been a more likely culprit? Perhaps it scared him? He's still mounted on her, does anyone know if it is likely he may have 'messed this one up'? Or is there still every chance for a mating?



Hi peeps.

Well, just before i went to bed last night I witnessed him mating her again, this time it lasted a few minutes, then he stopped again. I woke up this morning and the pair have seperated, he's still fine (there have been lots of flies for the girl to eat so she wouldnt have had room for him, :) ) so i've taken her back to her tank now. So now i'm left wondering, did they/didn't they try again? I could wait until next week and let them try again anyway, but here's hoping all went well during the night.


Congrats! hope it was successful as mine havent been too great lately. I havent had the chance of leaving them together for too long of a time period cause I'm sick and I dont have the patience to leave them in together and watch them at the moment. I noticed that my male runs from my female but hopefully he will do it next week if I feel better. Will update once I try.

UPDATE: Well I tried for a few minutes for the heck of it while I feel up to it and nothing yet. He walked right past her from behind and not even a look lol. Something must be wrong with him but I'll keep trying damn mantis breeding!!!

Hi everyone,

Well, the happy couple will be meeting eachother again this tuesday in an effort to ensure they mated before she lays any ootheca. I keep getting conflicting advice on breeding this species. I know that with many species, particularly the larger ones, it's generally good practice to have the female actually eating something for when the male makes his approach, this is also what many people suggested for this pair. However, i'm also getting told by people now that I should not have food in with them when they are introduced as it can 'distract them from mating', anyone else think that? Would be interesting to know.



Well good luck with mating them. But I would have though it will be best to fee dthe female as much as she will eat first, and then leave nothing in with them, when you are ready to mate them. Because, yes, it will cause a distraction, although, this is only what I have heard...

I also have a spare female, if anyone wants it.



Hi Ian,

Yeah I'm planning on changing their 'meeting grounds' anyway. It will now be a net enclosure, large. It's a scaled down version of my cages for things like P.aeruginosa etc, should do the job as it serves well for them.

Cheers Yen,good stuff mate.

Well, tomorrow is second big day. Both have been feeding well, and currently im anticipating a happy reunion :)

Will let you all know.


Thanks Dave, i didn't witness the first mating although i found some "tear-drop" size white stuff on the bottom of the cage the next day. So i tried another female PW which has been fed with lots of flies and moths yesterday and this time he made his move in last than 20 minutes.



i felt like peeping tom :oops:

Hi Yen, great stuff! Mine have been delayed, the big day is now tomorrow (thursday), so i'll grab some pics if i can.

How long did they/have they been copulating for Yen?

Oneida, they're gorgeous, always have been one of my favourites.

Best to all of you,


Hey Dave, I left them together for the whole night. But they were connected for at least two hours before i put them into the room. Now i just hope she produces an ooth.

one of the mated ?!?! female PW lay an ooth this morning!!! It is HUGE! almost 2.5 inch and looks like she has still some distances to go.



Yeah Ian, mantis porn on the pics earlier, that's why the blurry pic :lol:

Dave, all the best to your PW "reunion" today... hope they missed each other and get it straight right away :D

Howdy Dave!! No secret pal, feed them lots of flies and moths and crix two days before mating. I read a book somewhere stated they usually mate during sunset so try to mate them at night.

Wish you all the best Dave.... good luck!! :wink: :D It will be a great reunion when they are ready.

Well I finally did it!!! I woke up to find my pair connected but they've been doing IT for a while now. Wow good job Yen hope its fertile!!!

Excellent news DMJ, mine are 'coupled' again, just waiting for the all important mating and i'll be happy as larry :)



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