Lets hear the music behind the username


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Listening to this...

I think I might be feeling a little lonely right now... :unsure:

Edit: Finally got it to imbed! :mad:

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First rock band ever, thank you Mr Ted Lewis, and let me tell you for being recorded in the 20's they are putt'n it down pretty good, haha!


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I'll listen to mostly anything. Even country but I don't like it all that much. my GF does. Always been more of a metal head type but again I'll listen to mostly anything

I have recently become a dubstep freak. love it. not for everyone. seems to be a love hate relationship. I happen to love it.

here's a mellow dubstep song which I love (rusko is the maaaaan):

videoseries, list: PLYOFBeBPJbEjlf1XLhLUb9WF0JoC__ev5[/MEDIA]you guys probably hate me know. For what it's worth I'm also a classical music nut.

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The Black Keys

http://<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6yCIDkFI7ew" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The raconteurs

Kings of leon

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