Lets see the face behind the username!


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Here are some pics of me and my family from Feb. 2010 in Key West, I'm the guy with wind blown hair... LOL :lol:


Barb, Chris,and Taylor



wind blown hair.... lol! Sounds like an idea I should try out :lol:

wind blown hair.... lol! Sounds like an idea I should try out :lol:

come on, like the great chick magnet known as KitKat needs any more help getting the ladies attention. :D ;) but truth be told I do have to beat them off with a stick! (just a little humor so don't fire on me to bad people)

Life's too short to go around being "hum drum" and normal all the time!

I guess I am something of a kid at heart in that I still like playing "dress up", so...all my best pics are of me dressed up in some sort of costume or another. I love learning things and I especially love learning about different cultures, etc. (I am also something of a linguist, so I love learning new languages as well!)

Me wearing a sari:


(Doesn't really look much like me, but...I like how it looks anyway.)

Me as a "Goth":


If I were younger, I'd probably go around goth more. :rolleyes:

Me as a wannabe Egyptian/Tunisian (traditional) belly dancer:


Please pay no attention to the messy background! This was just prior to me moving from California to Oklahoma, so... :eek:

This is my oldest girl...I believe she is 14 here...and obviously, I've rubbed off on her! :p


We did this awhile back but have many more members now. I know some of you won't participate but it's nice to see the person behind the username:

This is me. First pic is of me and my new dog I adopted last week. Second pic is me in Hawaii last year on the black sand beach and third is a pic from my Army days;



The black sand beach is a real visual treat, I went there in 2009 there were giant sea turtles every where,even up on the beach but there protected so you can' get to close(must stay 10 ft back). all of the Islands are beautifull. lion seals are as common to see as sea gulls are here. and on the Big Island one morning I witnessed a pod of wild dolphins 12-15 of them doing there acrobatic moves and back flips 300 ft offshore away from me, I was in awe the rest of the day, but of course I left my camera in the hotel that morning. it's the best place on Earth!!!

Here are some photos of me and my family...

This is me, Ken...


My wife Rebekah and I... We used to live on a nice big creek and that was our backyard.


and my daughter Samara...



This is her reaction when Daddy says something stupid...


Days after this pic she cut her own hair and the results after some work done to it by my wife are in the previous pics.


Nice pics Ken! You daugther is a beautiful little princess!

My latest pic taken at TAMU Insect Open House last weekend, with a giant katydid poster.


The black sand beach is a real visual treat, I went there in 2009 there were giant sea turtles every where,even up on the beach but there protected so you can' get to close(must stay 10 ft back). all of the Islands are beautifull. lion seals are as common to see as sea gulls are here. and on the Big Island one morning I witnessed a pod of wild dolphins 12-15 of them doing there acrobatic moves and back flips 300 ft offshore away from me, I was in awe the rest of the day, but of course I left my camera in the hotel that morning. it's the best place on Earth!!!
We saw some of the turtles at another location, but no dolphins.

Hey Rick,

I knew you were in the Army, but didn't know you were para! Very cool! What unit were you in? Did you ever get assigned to Vicenza Italy? We had 2 battalions of paras there. Did you ever get to jump in Germany?

Many new members have joinned since the last post, lets see some new faces :)

Here is my recent pic with the rare corpse flower Lois before she blooms, taken in the Houston Museum of Natural Science.

"Feed me Seymore!" This is really cool, I was making my observations of Lois through the internet. What a cool opportunity!

I have actually done a Tarzan swing on these huge vines while visiting the lower Amazon Peru, they really work! and yes watch out for that tree. I actually haven't ran into a tree while swinging, but I've fallen out of them every now and then.


Last year in Honduras traveling up the Mosquito Coast. Pictured here with a vine snake. I know it says 2009 on the shirt but the Exoterra team didn't go until 2010...


...and here is my idea of rainforest conservation M16 style. "Put the frog down! Hands up!"


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Here are some photos of me and my family...

This is me, Ken...

My wife Rebekah and I... We used to live on a nice big creek and that was our backyard.

and my daughter Samara...
That little girl of yours is adorable!!!! Sooooo cute!!! How old is she? 4-5? Love her name too! Samara is a very pretty name.

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She is 3. I named here after maple tree seeds they are called samaras. I have weird obsession with maple trees, especially japanese maples, there are so many beautiful cultivars out there and one of the most genetically diverse trees in the world. I have one cultivar called arakawa. It is one of the only japanese maples with rough bark. Anyways she is a really smart girl for her age, I taught her how to say all sorts of smart phrases when she was 2 like "atom bomb" and "nuclear fission" ha, Im such a dork.

Here in Mex wrestlers sometime bites the opponents heads....

now I photo of my whole family at my son´s birthday:


me at work:




These are great! There are a lot of members who have joined since the last big batch were posted, let's see you! BTW have you noticed that mantis keepers seem to have especially cute kids and grand kids? :D

Ok, now I have to post one of my girls. I painted her face for her when the girls had a Halloween dance in last October. She is not really smiling too much because I spent about 2 hours on her face, but then that's what you get when you ask Papa who really enjoys art and tries to do a half way decent job. :)


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