Look Ma, no hands


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Dec 28, 2006
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The girls were not nice to this little guy, now am torn between the freezer and feeding him for the rest of his life....... what to do, what to do..... :huh:

Here he is drinking water drops off a lid and here is his dinner table....



The big question is: is he happy? If he can't climb and act like a normal mantis, I might go with the freezer. But ultimately, it's up to you.

He was on my hospital plant which is setting on the aquarium he is on, the lights keep the top really warm, and he climbed down and lays on the cloth, does not sit, he lays on it, and this morning since it was so cold here, he climbed back onto the plant.

Well, it looks like he's got another molt to go before adulthood, so I suggest keeping him hand-fed and hope that his next molt will fix his poor arms.

I have one male idol mantid missing an arm since the day I got him and it never grew back. I was under the impression if a mantid lost a limb that it would regenerate a new one when it molted. So is that a myth? and I just have a mantid thats somewhat short changed on the genetics. I still love the little bastard though, he just finished his last molt.

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I have one male idol mantid missing an arm since the day I got him and it never grew back. I was under the impression if a mantid lost a limb that it would regenerate a new one when it molted. So is that a myth?
I too have a mantis which had one arm missing from a mismolt, but as it happened at L3 and he is now L6, his arm has grown back, gradually with each molt. He could catch food with his other arm always. If your mantis never grew an arm, it might be from the beginning and have some genetic reason (like people or animals who are born missing limbs - just my speculation)

Hibiscusmile: I agree it is probably too damaged to repair itself in one molt. If he eats with appetite and stays active, I would perhaps hand feed him. but as it was already said, it is up to you.

Yea, he is a sweetie, just the way he sits on the heat :wub: , an if he had more molts, his arms would stand a chance, but with just one, it ain't gonna happen. :(

The arm was pretty much gone all the way from the base of the thorax on mine. Can all species of mantids regenerate? My favorite animal when it comes to regenerating is the axolotl, if they lose a limb, part of their jaw and eye, it grows back. Kind of like Marvel's super hero character Wolverine.

Can all species of mantids regenerate?
They can regenerate, but it depends on the amount of damage and also the number of molts left. Like what Hibiscusmile said, the mantid won't be able to regenerate the forelegs since it has about 1 molt left. But even then, it'll still make a fine breeding specimen (if the female is receptive of course).

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Here he is, btw, named him, little heat! toasting his knickers or whats left of them.... :lol: this is why I love him, never seen one hunker down on the heat before. so comfey!


He is too cute, :wub: I have never been able to give up on an injured creature. I'm glad that you have decided to keep him. :) I still have an Anolis equestris that I found with a smashed head a few months ago. I am surprised that it lived past a few days but now it looks pretty good, but with only one eye. I have to hand feed it every time, because it just can't or won't catch the prey I have put in with it. I have found out that they can live for 16 years, so I might have alot of hand feeding ahead of me, :rolleyes: but its my buddy now. ^_^

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Please don`t freeze him :no: . He is cool i like him,if he becomes too much let me know i will help love to hand feed :lol: .

I am not going to freeze him, he is precious, I would give to you if you need him, but he is also ok here with me. I have been talking to him and he is learning that when I come by, he is going to eat, I must look like a big fly :lol: I found out that if I spray to close to him , that he wants to wipe his little head, and of course he cannot, so tongith I took a napkin and let him rub his head on it. too cute :lol:
