Mail order vs pet shop


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Jan 11, 2009
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Well, my adventures in getting my first ever mantis have ground to a halt. I have the terrarium and everything to put in it...everything save the mantis!

Since I'm a complete beginner I decided to get an African mantis, since they're hardy and apparently good for the novice. The problem is though that I can't find any of the buggers! I've contacted every pet shop in a wide area around me, with no success. They've taken my number and phoned their stockists, but again no luck. For saying Africans are supposed to be a common pet variety, I'm having a hard time finding one. Maybe it's because mantids aren't a common pet in the UK, I don't know...

I wanted to get one through a pet shop so I could see it beforehand. Although I'm a novice, I'd still be able to see if it was healthy at least. Now though it looks like I may have to use mail order. I'm a bit wary over this; firstly because I won't know the condition of the individual, and secondly I don't trust the post office. If I'm not in when the post arrives they take parcels back to the depot and generally make you wait 24 hours before you can claim. Which will probably have me opening a box containing a dead mantid...

Do you think I'm overreacting about this? Reading through the forum lots of you post off your mantids. Should I bite the bullet and order one online, or keep holding out for a pet shop to get one for me? Have you had any good or bad experiences with either?

Well, my adventures in getting my first ever mantis have ground to a halt. I have the terrarium and everything to put in it...everything save the mantis!Since I'm a complete beginner I decided to get an African mantis, since they're hardy and apparently good for the novice. The problem is though that I can't find any of the buggers! I've contacted every pet shop in a wide area around me, with no success. They've taken my number and phoned their stockists, but again no luck. For saying Africans are supposed to be a common pet variety, I'm having a hard time finding one. Maybe it's because mantids aren't a common pet in the UK, I don't know...

I wanted to get one through a pet shop so I could see it beforehand. Although I'm a novice, I'd still be able to see if it was healthy at least. Now though it looks like I may have to use mail order. I'm a bit wary over this; firstly because I won't know the condition of the individual, and secondly I don't trust the post office. If I'm not in when the post arrives they take parcels back to the depot and generally make you wait 24 hours before you can claim. Which will probably have me opening a box containing a dead mantid...

Do you think I'm overreacting about this? Reading through the forum lots of you post off your mantids. Should I bite the bullet and order one online, or keep holding out for a pet shop to get one for me? Have you had any good or bad experiences with either?
Hi Raya,

I understand your frustration. Are you in the US? Because I have like 200 Chinese Mantis nymphs, in their 2nd instar, and I can send you like 5 or 10, and even if you don't receive the package right away, a few of them are bound to survive. I used to be very cautious about deliveries as well, but now that I've been through a few delivery "emergencies" I've learned that these insects are much tougher than I'd given them credit for. I am in California, and and I've had mantises sent all the way from the east, and not had a problem. PM me if you're interested, I still have some of the boxes people have used to send me mantises, and I could send you some of mine in them. Of course they are not African mantises, but Chinese mantises are also good beginner insects, and they get pretty big. They were the first mantises I started with, very engaging. Welcome to the hobby!


Hi Raya,I understand your frustration. Are you in the US? Because I have like 200 Chinese Mantis nymphs, in their 2nd instar, and I can send you like 5 or 10, and even if you don't receive the package right away, a few of them are bound to survive. I used to be very cautious about deliveries as well, but now that I've been through a few delivery "emergencies" I've learned that these insects are much tougher than I'd given them credit for. I am in California, and and I've had mantises sent all the way from the east, and not had a problem. PM me if you're interested, I still have some of the boxes people have used to send me mantises, and I could send you some of mine in them. Of course they are not African mantises, but Chinese mantises are also good beginner insects, and they get pretty big. They were the first mantises I started with, very engaging. Welcome to the hobby!

No, I live in the UK. I can't believe all the trouble I've been having...I've actually found more crocodiles for sale than African mantids! Thank you ever so much though for your kind offer! That's very nice of you :)

You bought up another point that worries me; survival in boxes. Reading through old posts people say that they usually find several dead in their package. I'm only after the one mantis at the moment; I want to see if I can care for one before I start breeding. Should I order several to ensure I receive at least one alive? My terrarium is fairly large, but I'm wary about keeping more than one in there. Because then I *will* end up with just one...

I have about 68 mantids right now and about 20 or so on the way only about half where from the mail though I guess ooths don't count.

You don't need a giant terrarium for one mantis btw.

Definitely go for "mail order," Raya!

A friend of mine, who owns a local pet shop, says that mantids are "not commercially viable"(I had hoped to sell him hundreds at a Huge Profit). This is a niche hobby, and because of the short life span of our critters, is never likely to be as popular, say, as keeping Ts.

I have ordered a fair number of ooths and nymphs on this forum and even got a huge adult peacock from Peter (owner of Bugs in Cyberspace) and a "stud" adult male from Katnapper (who just happens to be selling some shields, a good starter mantis, at a great price!), and all were in great shape when they arrived. Without wishing to offend all the other great breeders out there, I have found from personal experience that breeders like Hibiscusmile, Yen Saw and Ismart not only pack their stuff beautifully and include heat or cold packs as necessary, but give lots of excellent practical advice on your new critters. Most of us, though, buy a number of mantids at one time, because the price of Express Mail is so high now that buying a number is more cost effective.

The answer to delivery problems with Express Mail is to befriend a neighbor who will sign for you. Just leave a Very Simple Note (in block capitals) on your door, directing your mail carrier where to leave it. He/she should leave a note saying that it has been delivered.

Good luck, and let us know how your first "mail order" goes!

The classifieds on this site are your best bet.

OOps! I didn't realize that you are in the UK and subject to the vagaries of Royal Mail!

Still, the same rules apply, and there are lots of English breeders on this forum. I would suggest that you reconsider your "only one mantis" position, though!

I had a mantis sent to me when I wasn't expecting it, it spent a week down at the royal mail building, and it was absolutely fine. As long as you tell the breeder to fill it with bubblewrap to stop it getting crushed, it should be fine as long as its not too long.

Thanks for all your help guys! I think I will go for mail order then...I've been waiting long enough with the pet shops.

Although now I'm wondering about the 'get more than one' thing...I'm unable to have another tank to keep several individuals. As I mentioned before, my terrarium might be large enough for two to coexist in...then again, I'm not sure I want to take that risk. All it takes is for me to misjudge their hunger and suddenly there's a fight. Sigh. Well, having a new kind of pet is always a steep learning curve!

Thanks for all your help guys! I think I will go for mail order then...I've been waiting long enough with the pet shops.Although now I'm wondering about the 'get more than one' thing...I'm unable to have another tank to keep several individuals. As I mentioned before, my terrarium might be large enough for two to coexist in...then again, I'm not sure I want to take that risk. All it takes is for me to misjudge their hunger and suddenly there's a fight. Sigh. Well, having a new kind of pet is always a steep learning curve!
You don't need that big of containers to house individual mantids. Look in the "Enclosures/Housing" section for some ideas! ;)

You don't need that big of containers to house individual mantids. Look in the "Enclosures/Housing" section for some ideas! ;)
The terrarium I have is is quite large because it was a present. It's tall rather than long though, and I hear that height is better for mantids. Plus, and I think this is just me here, I'd feel a bit bad by keeping one mantid in this nice big tank and the other in a smaller one ;)

On Monday I'll give mail order a call and see with them; they might have a minimum number they send out. If so...emergency housing is needed!


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