Mantis had a seizure?


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yes, they eat less. I have seen it in all my adult males I had. Females eat a lot because they need the energy to make ooths. They always lay ooths if they are mated or not.
Cool! One last question. One of my females has sores on the front of her eyes... I figured it was from rubbing against the side of her enclosure, so I got a bigger one, but they're still there. Will they ever heal, or will they stay because she can't shed anymore?

So sorry to hear this. I am also going thru something similar and I am a total novice. My males also ate only parts of thrir crickets and much less than the females. From the commenters (experts) it sounds like they died of  old age. But being that I've been in the envrionmental health field, I cant help asking whether there were chemical sprays or lead removal at the location  where you found the two (maybe 3?) males? Is it unusual to see them at this location (ie could they have been out for some reason)? 

So sorry to hear this. I am also going thru something similar and I am a total novice. My males also ate only parts of thrir crickets and much less than the females. From the commenters (experts) it sounds like they died of  old age. But being that I've been in the envrionmental health field, I cant help asking whether there were chemical sprays or lead removal at the location  where you found the two (maybe 3?) males? Is it unusual to see them at this location (ie could they have been out for some reason)? 
Well it was at my school... Yknow, now that I think about it, I'm sure the school probably used pesticides. They definitely have rodent exterminators on campus often enough too 🙄. But .. quite a late reaction, really. You'd think poisoning would've happened quicker than 2 weeks later. I really just don't know. I'm going to assume it was spontaneous old age as all my others are fine. 

Also stay tuned tomorrow because I'm gonna breed Donovan and Francesca :) second time I've ever need and she's much more aggressive than Honey was. Hopefully Donny keeps his head lmao

Update: Donovan and Francesca are in the act and have been for a few hours now. Francesca is kinda stressed out and on edge, so I'm hoping Donny can keep his head! Him and Honey were together for 25 hours so let's hope it's a bit shorter this time around lol. Goodnight everyone (on this side of the world ..)

They're now "fully" dead, but how would I do that? For future reference.
I've never had to euthanize a mantis but I am an insect taxidermist. 

You can freeze them, but the general technique is with gas. Get a small relatively airtight container and line it with paper towels. Moisten them with alcohol (rubbing alcohol, ethanol, isopropyl, or nail polish remover) and lay them in there. It's painless and peaceful, I'm not a bug but I'd rather die drifting off than freezing to death.

Taxidermy note, if you want to preserve them, you can float them in alcohol or leave them to dry in a position you like. It's not for everyone but personally it makes me feel better knowing my insect pets won't be eaten by ants.

This sounds like fairly normal old age for males. I've had males twitch for days after death. 

- MantisGirl13
Obviously this is a whole different ball game but my cat of 21 years had seizures in the weeks before he was euthanized. Obviously he was an old man. I'm not sure if that means anything in terms of mantids but maybe it's neurological deterioration? Otherwise I would say the pesticide hypothesis is a good guess. If it is a parasite I think your best next action is to clean obsessively. Wash your hands, the old enclosures, the decor, anything that touched them. Sterilize any tweezers (or other communal tools) you used with a Clorox wipes or alcohol then water, or something of that ilk. Better safe than sorry!

Sorry for your losses 🥺

The mantid's "pupil" will continue to watch and stare at you hours after its death. It's not really something that they can control, like our own pupils. I had a frozen, pinned specimen that continued to "stare"at me for an entire week after before its eyes just fogged over.

Taxidermy note, leave them to dry in a position you like.
Hi there,
Is that means just leave it out in an open air to dry after freezing?
I need advice if there is a nice way to preserve a mantis without any cutting or operation process to their body?

My dear mantis dying probably due to old age 😢 after reading most I took the advise putting her in freezer to “long sleep”
She is a Hierodula venosa . About 9+ month old

I got her from a bouquet (if not wrong) on 6 Jan. started on 12 Oct (few days ago) she barely move, not eating and not drinking, then the following days she is like dying stage moving less but at some point can see she still try to move but no strength at all. Can see her abdomen have breathing movement, it slow down day by day. Last night 14 Oct, there is some brown liquid keep coming out from her mouth 😭
Her current condition is the 2 little “tales” is moving a bit, and very weak breathing movement at the end of abdomen.

I got the advise nothing I can do and putting her in freezer to sleep is better let her be like that. Finally I Place her in freezer on yesterday 15 Oct 6pm after saying last good bye 😭

Was she actually already “passed away” few days ago even she actually try to move her legs and hands?

At some points she even tried to grab me with her claws
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Hi there,
Is that means just leave it out in an open air to dry after freezing?
I need advice if there is a nice way to preserve a mantis without any chemicals process to their body?

My dear mantis dying probably due to old age 😢 after reading most I took the advise putting her in freezer to “long sleep”
She is a Hierodula venosa . About 9+ month old

I got her from a bouquet (if not wrong) on 6 Jan. started on 12 Oct (few days ago) she barely move, not eating and not drinking, then the following days she is like dying stage moving less but at some point can see she still try to move but no strength at all. Can see her abdomen have breathing movement, it slow down day by day. Last night 14 Oct, there is some brown liquid keep coming out from her mouth 😭
Her current condition is the 2 little “tales” is moving a bit, and very weak breathing movement at the end of abdomen.

I got the advise nothing I can do and putting her in freezer to sleep is better let her be like that. Finally I Place her in freezer on yesterday 15 Oct 6pm after saying last good bye 😭

Was she actually already “passed away” few days ago even she actually try to move her legs and hands?

At some points she even tried to grab me with her claws
English isn't your first language, is it?
By the way, she passed away in full stomach, can I still use the method soaking in 75% alcohol and drying in open air ?
Sorry for many questions,
Truly appreciated for all your advices


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I'm sorry for the loss of your dear mantis. You want to preserve her body? For what purpose? To pin and display, or just to keep forever?
Hi there,
Is that means just leave it out in an open air to dry after freezing?
I need advice if there is a nice way to preserve a mantis without any cutting or operation process to their body?
I lyophilize the specimen. It's also possible to soak it in acetone for 24h before drying to try and preserve the color and reduce rot
My dear mantis dying probably due to old age 😢 after reading most I took the advise putting her in freezer to “long sleep”
She is a Hierodula venosa . About 9+ month old
yes, that is old! Especially if you got her as an adult!!
I got her from a bouquet (if not wrong) on 6 Jan. started on 12 Oct (few days ago) she barely move, not eating and not drinking, then the following days she is like dying stage moving less but at some point can see she still try to move but no strength at all. Can see her abdomen have breathing movement, it slow down day by day. Last night 14 Oct, there is some brown liquid keep coming out from her mouth 😭
Her current condition is the 2 little “tales” is moving a bit, and very weak breathing movement at the end of abdomen.
those "tails" are her cerci, sensory organs
I got the advise nothing I can do and putting her in freezer to sleep is better let her be like that. Finally I Place her in freezer on yesterday 15 Oct 6pm after saying last good bye 😭

Was she actually already “passed away” few days ago even she actually try to move her legs and hands?
I am not sure what you mean here. Did you see them moving on their own or only while handling her? it's possible the tarsi just hooked to things and got moved around?
At some points she even tried to grab me with her claws
then she probably was still alive
I'm sorry for the loss of your dear mantis. You want to preserve her body? For what purpose? To pin and display, or just to keep forever?
Thank you friend.
I just want to keep forever, I hope I can keep her body around, but I don’t any pin display. Just the nature post is fine.
I wonder if there is a way without cutting the body like stomach
I lyophilize the specimen. It's also possible to soak it in acetone for 24h before drying to try and preserve the color and reduce rot
Hi Agent A
First of all thank you so much for all your time and advises.
Meaning to use acetone to soak the full body for 24hrs, then take it out to dry in open air room. Not needed to cut and remove the stuff in stomach?
yes, that is old! Especially if you got her as an adult!!

those "tails" are her cerci, sensory organs
I found her on 6th Jan 2022, she was L2 if I’m not wrong.
I see, learn something new !

I am not sure what you mean here. Did you see them moving on their own or only while handling her? it's possible the tarsi just hooked to things and got moved around?

then she probably was still alive
Pardon me, I mean about 20hrs before I place her in freezer (since 14 Oct), she no longer moving , only stay still at a place but she did try to lift up her legs and hand at some point , can still see her abdomen have minor breathing sign. I wonder At this stage is she already passed away ?

I saw her lift the leg and tabial but I’m not sure is that just twitching actually
How long can I leave it in the freezer? Is there a maximum time?
I can’t decide how I can handle her body yet ….
Hi Agent A
First of all thank you so much for all your time and advises.
Meaning to use acetone to soak the full body for 24hrs, then take it out to dry in open air room. Not needed to cut and remove the stuff in stomach?
yes on the acetone soak. I am not sure about cutting out the organs. I usually just lyophilize them. I wouldnt risk leaving organs in there though
I found her on 6th Jan 2022, she was L2 if I’m not wrong.
I see, learn something new !
ah ok. idk how quickly she reached adulthood but she was probably pretty old at death
Pardon me, I mean about 20hrs before I place her in freezer (since 14 Oct), she no longer moving , only stay still at a place but she did try to lift up her legs and hand at some point , can still see her abdomen have minor breathing sign. I wonder At this stage is she already passed away ?
I doubt it
I saw her lift the leg and tabial but I’m not sure is that just twitching actually
How long can I leave it in the freezer? Is there a maximum time?
I can’t decide how I can handle her body yet ….
I'd leave her in there for at least 48h. if you have her in an airtight container, she can keep for a few years
yes on the acetone soak. I am not sure about cutting out the organs. I usually just lyophilize them. I wouldnt risk leaving organs in there though
The full process to lyophilize them is:
1. Keep in Freezer (more than 24 hours)
2. Soak in acetone for 24 hours
3. Take out and leave it open air room
is that correct? sorry, if is stupid questions around , I have 0 idea about lyophilize / drying them. I did try to look up more details mainly I found is soak in alcohol or acetone for long hours.
I wonder if that's enough to dry /lyophilize them.

*I wouldnt risk leaving organs in there though* = is that means you actually remove out the organ?
Or just the acetone soaking is good enough?

what is the different between using Acetone and alcohol to soak?
The full process to lyophilize them is:
1. Keep in Freezer (more than 24 hours)
2. Soak in acetone for 24 hours
3. Take out and leave it open air room
is that correct? sorry, if is stupid questions around , I have 0 idea about lyophilize / drying them. I did try to look up more details mainly I found is soak in alcohol or acetone for long hours.
I wonder if that's enough to dry /lyophilize them.
lyophilizing is just a fancy way of saying freeze-drying. OK technically you can freeze-dry without a vacuum pressure so then it wouldn't be called lyophilization
a big specimen like that, especially in your humid climate, may require a good 10-15 days to fully dry
*I wouldnt risk leaving organs in there though* = is that means you actually remove out the organ?
Or just the acetone soaking is good enough?

what is the different between using Acetone and alcohol to soak?
I'd remove them. it's about how much volume the abdomen has. if the abdomen is very very rotund, it may not dry out in the middle before the organs begin to rot. with a lyophilizer or any low-tech freeze-drying methods, this isn't a concern because the specimen stays frozen during the process
the main difference between alcohol and acetone is that acetone won't denature the color pigments of the organism
alcohol will. if you LEAVE the organism in the alcohol, you won't notice it, but as soon as it evaporates from the specimen, bye-bye color!
lyophilizing is just a fancy way of saying freeze-drying. OK technically you can freeze-dry without a vacuum pressure so then it wouldn't be called lyophilization
a big specimen like that, especially in your humid climate, may require a good 10-15 days to fully dry
I see, ya I’m just placing it in freezer to freeze drying.
I'd remove them. it's about how much volume the abdomen has. if the abdomen is very very rotund, it may not dry out in the middle before the organs begin to rot. with a lyophilizer or any low-tech freeze-drying methods, this isn't a concern because the specimen stays frozen during the process
the main difference between alcohol and acetone is that acetone won't denature the color pigments of the organism
alcohol will. if you LEAVE the organism in the alcohol, you won't notice it, but as soon as it evaporates from the specimen, bye-bye color!
understood, thats saying to remove the organ is a must process for me if I want to preserve it, correct?
Soaking it in acetone won’t able to stop the organs rot?

I definitely unable to handle doing any operation to my late mantis. i guess I will continue keeping her in freezer for the moment, until I can decide. it’s really hard for me to let go.
agent A thank you for your information and time.

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