Hi there,
Is that means just leave it out in an open air to dry after freezing?
I need advice if there is a nice way to preserve a mantis without any chemicals process to their body?
My dear mantis dying probably due to old age

after reading most I took the advise putting her in freezer to “long sleep”
She is a Hierodula venosa . About 9+ month old
I got her from a bouquet (if not wrong) on 6 Jan. started on 12 Oct (few days ago) she barely move, not eating and not drinking, then the following days she is like dying stage moving less but at some point can see she still try to move but no strength at all. Can see her abdomen have breathing movement, it slow down day by day. Last night 14 Oct, there is some brown liquid keep coming out from her mouth

Her current condition is the 2 little “tales” is moving a bit, and very weak breathing movement at the end of abdomen.
I got the advise nothing I can do and putting her in freezer to sleep is better let her be like that. Finally I Place her in freezer on yesterday 15 Oct 6pm after saying last good bye
Was she actually already “passed away” few days ago even she actually try to move her legs and hands?
At some points she even tried to grab me with her claws