Moistening the substrate


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Active member
Jul 1, 2010
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Hey guys,

I did like you guys suggested and laid a few layers of tissue paper to cover the bottom of my jar, then I dripped some water on it to moisten it up. Should I avoid using tap water though? I've heard that you're supposed to let tap water sit for a few days to let the...stuff.......get out...uhhh :huh:

Is that true?



I use tap water all the time. I have never had an issue. Some people don't use tap water at all. It really all depends on how clean the tap water is. NY tap water happens to be one of the cleanest! :)

Thanks for the replies. I'll just do tap water in that case. Do you guys clean out your enclosures from time to time? My mantidfly is a messy eater and the jar is riddled with fly wings and legs. A few whole flies too. Sometimes it seems like he's not that hungry and just wants to torture them. He ripped the legs off this one fly without killing it. :blink:


I used tap water for years. It is fine. I did switch to distilled water because it won't leave scale on the glass. If that doesn't bother you it is fine.


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