My exoterra nano natural terrarium


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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2016
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Tell me what u think of it. Tell me if you have any question about it. It's 100% natural and is only lacking some springtails to clean and eat the eventual mould.


Looking good. I'm wary of a natural terrarium as I think there's too much to go wrong (plus I'm lazy) so, good luck to you. Keep us posted.

Looks good, and with several ways for your mantid to climb to the top safely.
Regarding mold it shouldn't be a problem unless there is excess water and little air ventilation; otherwise, the ventilation should keep your setup good even without springtails.

Thanks for your kind comments. She is really liking it, i see her a lot on the woods and plants but her favorite spots remain the ... roof ^^

Nice! I have a similar set up... 2 plants and some frog moss scattered around... 


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