my giant asians are free to go in my bedroom. good or bad?


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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2007
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amstelveen Nl
my hierodula membranacea may roam around anywhere the want, i think thats ok... what do you think? say good or bad cuz...

I kind of don't understand your question...

Are you asking if it is a good idea to let your mantid roam around freely in you room unsupervised? If so, then it's obviously a bad idea. People walk, doors move, closets slide open, curtains are pulled up and down... there are many things that can happen that can potentially harm your mantid. Plus, even if your room has no opening for the mantis to escape, it can "mysteriously" get lost.

Why are you considering the idea?

I kind of don't understand your question...Are you asking if it is a good idea to let your mantid roam around freely in you room unsupervised? If so, then it's obviously a bad idea. People walk, doors move, closets slide open, curtains are pulled up and down... there are many things that can happen that can potentially harm your mantid. Plus, even if your room has no opening for the mantis to escape, it can "mysteriously" get lost.

Why are you considering the idea?
well i allways keep an eye on her there are no possebileties to escape and she is slowi have a big plant where she,s in bud somtimes she climbing the wall i never noticed any problems

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well i allways keep an eye on her there are no possebileties to escape and she is slowi have a big plant where she,s in bud somtimes she climbing the wall i never noticed any problems
this is an what do you think topic. say if you think its a good idea or not

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well i allways keep an eye on her there are no possebileties to escape and she is slowi have a big plant where she,s in bud somtimes she climbing the wall i never noticed any problems
Oh, if you are providing supervision, then I don't see a problem. I do it sometimes just for fun, but for only a couple of minutes. Never turn your back on a loose mantid! :)

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my hierodula membranacea may roam around anywhere the want, i think thats ok... what do you think? say good or bad cuz...
not roam -thats a bad idea but one summer i put two adult female asian mantids on twigs , loose on the windowsill. they did not move around much on the twigs for weeks* and it was warm n sunny so it was fine. very ornamental.

*you can guess how it ended. one very fat mantis and one very consumed one :unsure:

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I had a chinese mantis that I let live in the windowsill to my living room. It stayed there all day unsupervised or not never moving farther than the orchid near the base of the window until dark, then it went everywhere. I put it in the cage at night and let it roam during the day. Well, I did that till we got a new cat.....then she just stayed in the cage.

I had a chinese mantis that I let live in the windowsill to my living room. It stayed there all day unsupervised or not never moving farther than the orchid near the base of the window until dark, then it went everywhere. I put it in the cage at night and let it roam during the day. Well, I did that till we got a new cat.....then she just stayed in the cage.
we have to cats and they always catch escaped insect bud now i closed the door alltimes they cant get in my roam anymore:) my mantis is save now:)

I have two cats too. One I don't have to worry about because it completely ignores bugs, we had that one when I let my chinese roam free. But we got the second as a kitten, and now it still hasn't grown out of that play with everything mentality so nothing is safe lose in the house. You should see it chasing lizards around our front garden area. Even goes after butterflies.

I have two cats too. One I don't have to worry about because it completely ignores bugs, we had that one when I let my chinese roam free. But we got the second as a kitten, and now it still hasn't grown out of that play with everything mentality so nothing is safe lose in the house. You should see it chasing lizards around our front garden area. Even goes after butterflies.
yes my cat bringss every week some birds mouses and frogs inn the other spend the whole day at eating and sleeping :)

I used to let my chinese mantid adults live next to the windows of my room. I had three, so one for the male, and two for the females. They never moved and they all lived there nice and happy.

I also let my most recent male, Tehno, live on a really big, fake tree in my room that was placed next to a window. He never moved from it and always stayed on it. :D

I used to let my chinese mantid adults live next to the windows of my room. I had three, so one for the male, and two for the females. They never moved and they all lived there nice and happy.I also let my most recent male, Tehno, live on a really big, fake tree in my room that was placed next to a window. He never moved from it and always stayed on it. :D
mines only move when its feeding time ! :lol:

My chinese mantid actually tried to eat the tweezers once when I was feeding it. Latched on so good that I had to stand there while she ate the whole thing because I couldn't get the tweezers free and they weighed enough to pull the mantis from it's perch.(same chinese I let roam, she liked to latch onto my fingers during feeding so I used tweezers)

I love to let my Chinese mantises out to roam my room. They seem to love the freedom and chance to explore. One of the favorite spots is on my bed where they can perch and watch TV. Sometimes though the images on TV are just too exciting and they feel the need to crawl over and try to climb up the glass. :lol:

I have managed to loose track of mine though, especially when I forget I have them out. That of course leaves me creeping around my room looking all over the place and calling their name, as if they are going to respond or come bounding over like a puppy. Still, I've never ended up loosing or injuring a mantis in the process.

My worst experience would have to be when my insect killing cat snuck in my room. Normally he isn't permitted in here but one day he crept in and curled up on my top bunk. I had no idea he was in the room and I let a female mantis of mine out. All was good and then a hour or so later I went to brush my teeth. For one reason or another I left the door cracked and from the bathroom heard the unmistakable sound of my cat leaping from my top bunk to the lower bed, where my mantis had been sitting. Ran in toothbrush still in mouth expecting to see carnage. Instead I discovered my clever girl had flown herself across the room to safety. She just looked at me like, Mom I can take care of myself, I'm a big girl now. :p

I love to let my Chinese mantises out to roam my room. They seem to love the freedom and chance to explore. One of the favorite spots is on my bed where they can perch and watch TV. Sometimes though the images on TV are just too exciting and they feel the need to crawl over and try to climb up the glass. :lol: I have managed to loose track of mine though, especially when I forget I have them out. That of course leaves me creeping around my room looking all over the place and calling their name, as if they are going to respond or come bounding over like a puppy. Still, I've never ended up loosing or injuring a mantis in the process.

My worst experience would have to be when my insect killing cat snuck in my room. Normally he isn't permitted in here but one day he crept in and curled up on my top bunk. I had no idea he was in the room and I let a female mantis of mine out. All was good and then a hour or so later I went to brush my teeth. For one reason or another I left the door cracked and from the bathroom heard the unmistakable sound of my cat leaping from my top bunk to the lower bed, where my mantis had been sitting. Ran in toothbrush still in mouth expecting to see carnage. Instead I discovered my clever girl had flown herself across the room to safety. She just looked at me like, Mom I can take care of myself, I'm a big girl now. :p
hahahahahah good story


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