My mantid collection


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i can tell u havent updated your sig lately because jade is L7 now ;)
Its only been a month since I got her. I THOUGHT she was L4 at the time, when I saw wingbuds after she molted I figured she was actually L5 molting to pre-sub, but if she's a sub then she was presub when I got her. She's not hanging around the best choices for molting. Clinging to the side wall instead of hanging from the leaves in her enclosure. makes me wonder how old Sudowoodo and Phantom are.

November 26th. Included: Hierodula majuscula, Polyspilota griffinii, Phyllocrania paradoxa, and Creoboter pictipennis.

Hierodula majuscula: This is Majere. He is the red/brown male majuscula. He caught his first cricket yesterday, and actually ate it all. I was incredibly surprised.

L3 Polyspilota griffinii: enjoying some hydei during the most recent feeding. Some of them ate as much as 6 which surprised me.

I had Phantom, my L5 ghost, out for a while yesterday. Her enclosure needed cleaning, and she hadn't been out for a while so I let her wander for a bit. She quite likes it.

And finally, Jade molted while I was napping. She is a gorgeous adult creobroter pictipennis now. I'm excited to see what will come.

Told u!! Who was overly worried abt their creo for no reason :lol:

She looks great! Got any males for her??
I wasnt OVERLY worried, I was just cautious and a little nervous like with any molt. She's my first adult too. I don't have any males right now, but SilentDeviL says if his survives all his matings then we could work something out for her.

Today I have pictures of Jade, who is newly adult for you guys :) Also one picture of the biggest melano culture I've made.

Jade: Newly adult, molted yesterday morning. Gave her 36 hours to rest and harden up a bit, then took her out for some exploring and munchies. I love the red on her elbows and the pattern on her wings.

And this is the melano culture. Used a 1.75 litre orange juice container, mixed oats and mango nectar, added honey and vinegar for mold control, then sprinkle some yeast on top. Added excelsior and one or two hundred melanos.

she's lookin good

maybe she'll be one of those females whos wings turn an actual jade/emerald green color (typically i see females whos wings r not as intense a green color but every once in a while the wing color really stands out) and her name will be perfect for her :wub:

she's lookin good

maybe she'll be one of those females whos wings turn an actual jade/emerald green color (typically i see females whos wings r not as intense a green color but every once in a while the wing color really stands out) and her name will be perfect for her :wub:
She was a bright green when I got her, which is why I named her Jade, as she molted she got darker. She's a bit brighter now than the Olive she was at subadult, but her wings are still more brown than green.

The first of my boxers have hatched :) 3 little babies so far, seems the ooth is taking a break from spitting them out right now though. This ones all of 5 minutes old. I have 2 of 3 in separate cups already, the thirds a little rascal and runs away from everything :p Hopefully this ooth spits out some more and the other ooth starts hatching soon.

I got some nice pictures of the Mesopteryx nymphs that came in the mail yesterday from Yen Saw. Very neat species, and huge for an L3. They're fast and long and can jump like Polyspilota, but the shape of the head and size of the claws remind me of Tenodera. The way they hold themselves sometimes reminds me of Kongobatha as well. Even though they're long, their claws are small, and still take melanos no problem. I'm sure they could handle hydei, and even house fly, but I'm waiting on my Hydei cultures to get going so I'm feeding melanos.

December 17th update. Includes Polyspilota aeruginosa mounting, but no connection, Pretty Hierodula majuscula colours, and mesopteryx alata.

Polyspilota aeruginosa (Madagascan marbled mantis): My first attempt at mating ever. It has me quite excited and nervous at the same time, while also more and more aggravated as time goes on. The male has been on the females back more than 36 hours now, and still no connection. It seems he's probing his own wings to try and find the spot. Makes me wonder how they've survived so long in the wild if the males have the sexual prowess of an 8 year old boy.

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Hierodula majuscula (Giant rainforest mantis): While shorter in length than my L5 Griffins, my L5 majuscula are more aggressive and will take larger, harder prey. My griffins tend to swat away mealworm beetles, while majuscula will grab them and crunch away. These two photos show off some of the pretty colours in my nymphs. The first is Majesty, an L5 female showing off the bright green with red on the inner arm. The second is Majere, who is a myriad of reds, oranges, pinks, and browns. Majere was not fond of the beetle I shoved in his face, and did this (What I believe is a) threat display. Very pretty colours although I need to find out how to turn down the flash.

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Mesopteryx alata: One of my favorite species in my collection. These guys are fast, aggressive (although towards small prey), and inquisitive. The little guys recently turned L4, and would be on houseflies if I was capable of getting any. Right now they get 5 hydei every 2 or 3 days.

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Taumantis sigianna update: Most of my little guys are L2, but more are molting to L3. very nice colours on some of them too. They like to hop around whenever I have them out and give me heart attacks when I think I lost them. Right now they're in 3 oz cups with excelsior, but I plan on upgrading them to 3 oz cups with actual stick furnishings soon. They're eating hydei and drink often. I look forward to them growing up since Mime454 has made them sound so exciting.

Present count: 7 L2, 7 L3, 14 individuals total

L2 Tau taking a drink from its cup rim

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L2 Tau walking along my hand

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L3 Tau just chilling

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L3 Tau looking around

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Hierodula membranacea update: I love these little guys so much. The pictures I took yesterday really show off the black stripes well. a nicely aggressive, fast growing species. They're all L3, and all separated into 20 oz tupperware containers. Lots of vertical climbing space. I mist twice a day, and usually see them drink it so they're thirsty, and I feed 3 hydei each monday/wednesday/friday. I need to find a way to plug the hole in the back of the play area so I can let them wander around in there. Maybe a sponge?...

Present count: 15 individuals. all L3

Membranacea looking left, good view of the black stripes

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Membranacea coming towards the camera, also good view of the black

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Membranacea contemplating jumping... dont do it membranacea!

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Membranacea on a stick

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Membranacea facing away, showing the colouration on their backs

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My little L1 Taus jump really high and far too. Never seen a mantis jump up like that before. They aren't able to do with when they get older. I have no L2's yet, but most of them aren't eating, so are probably about to molt.

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