My new veiled chameleons


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They're very "territorial". They like their space and don't want to be bothered. It's kinda funny, though I wouldn't want to let him get a hold of me. Sometimes when he's on my hand, he'll turn with his mouth open and look like he's gonna go for me. AHHHHH! DON"T BITE ME! LOL.

not as bad as me biting someone :lol:

in 7th grade i bit someone in gym class and since i hadnt brushed my teeth for 2 days they got a big bruise and infection on their arm a few days later :eek:

This is my female after sunning and the sun was starting to go down. She was totally darkened up on the one side to suck up as much warmth as possible. When she saw me coming for her, she flipped sideways and revealed her 2 tone underbelly. She is getting prettier colors.



This is my female after sunning and the sun was starting to go down. She was totally darkened up on the one side to suck up as much warmth as possible. When she saw me coming for her, she flipped sideways and revealed her 2 tone underbelly. She is getting prettier colors.


Those are Receptive colors. She is wanting to breed. If you show her a male and she turns dark with neon glowing markings then she is already gravid. If you dont have a laying bin already in her cage I would put one in there because she will start developing eggs soon depending on her diet. You dont want her egg bound. I used to breed chameleons if you need any advice just PM me.

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She's got a lying bin. I added that about 2 weeks ago. She seems a little restless and climbs the screen more than usual. I hope she passes them successfully. So if she stays this color when seeing the male she has some time before laying and if she turns black it should be sooner than later? Either way she's got a laying bin in the cage. Is the laying bin a permanent fixture in the female's cage or only something added at "laying time"?

I would permenantly leave it just to be safe. If she stays that color when seeing a male she will let him breed. If she turns black with neon markings she already has eggs and wont breed, how old is she, I bred mine at 9to12 months, after tjat she will come receptive every 3 months.

OMG! Every 3 months? I just got her on Jan 9, as a baby. Boy they grow up fast. That's her, on the left. :D


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Is that the same cham you posyed with the blue and orange spots¿ That must be a pic of the pair when you first got them but they seen atleast 5 months old on that pic

No too much stress on the female, think about how they are in the wild, yeman tall trees, they dont live in groups

I have hatched out over 600 babies and judging from the pics id say 4 to 5 months on the janurary pics

Those are Receptive colors. She is wanting to breed. If you show her a male and she turns dark with neon glowing markings then she is already gravid. If you dont have a laying bin already in her cage I would put one in there because she will start developing eggs soon depending on her diet. You dont want her egg bound. I used to breed chameleons if you need any advice just PM me.
You mean like these colors? Whoah! Definitely NOT wanting any love. :lol:


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