My new veiled chameleons


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i did. Thats why I was hezitating about posting that, also I a viewer cant tell if you just misted the plants or they are alwasy wet. Oh and by low humidity I mean 65% they like it in the 80% but make sure the cage is very well venitlated

The room always has humidity of 45-55 and they get misted in their screen cage 3-4 times a day which bumps up the enclosure humidity higher . The plants are usually wet, as I will mist when the cage becomes dry. I don't allow sitting water, as it is a breeding ground for bacteria.

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It's probably not the best, but they get a frozen chicken taquito every once in a while for a protein boost. They become hiding tubes for the babies when they eat all the chicken out and before the shell is consumed.
for reptiles like Chameleons, don't feed animal protiens like your chicken taquito to your roaches or crickets. chameleons are insectivores and the gutload for feeders should NOT contain things like DOG FOOD or other animal protiens. this can have an adverse effect on the health and well being of your chameleons.

just tell your roaches that they are vegan now and they'll get over it in less then a day. :clown:


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I just looked up non animal proteins, so I will cut out the taquito and start adding tofu(possibly provide good hydration, as well), beans, and nuts. The need protein for good reproduction, Would this suffice?

Why is he so skinny? I can see ribs lol

Also, why don't u take several dubias a week and put them in a separate cage for gutloading

That way, u have protein filled ones for continuing the colony and vegan ones for the chams?

Just a thought ;)

Why is he so skinny? I can see ribs lol

Also, why don't u take several dubias a week and put them in a separate cage for gutloading

That way, u have protein filled ones for continuing the colony and vegan ones for the chams?

Just a thought ;)
That is a good idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally agree

Why is he so skinny? I can see ribs lol

Also, why don't u take several dubias a week and put them in a separate cage for gutloading

That way, u have protein filled ones for continuing the colony and vegan ones for the chams?

Just a thought ;)
not a bad idea, but beans are fine for protein if you want to keep them all on a vegan diet.

mantids are also insectivores so beans sound better then animal protein.

80% of cricket crack is beans's the only dry food I'll give my roaches or crickets. I use a sice of orange as a water source for when dry food is used. it not only has calcium in it, but oranges are loved by roaches and crickets as if it was a hot fudge sunday.


I have an orange tree in my back yard so oranges are used instead of water crystals. I don't know why he's so skinny. Maybe he's self conscious about getting too fat....Just like his daddy. :lol: They both tear through 6-8 1/4"-1/2" dubias a day and I also give them BBs by the dozen(That's fun to watch). Should they be eating more? I have the food, but after some feeding they seem full and don't want any more. I don't use a feeding cup and just use hand feeding. It's a great relationship builder. I will let the flies go in the cage, because they won't be around long. I don't know what skinny or fat is for a chameleon. I'll have to get a scale to track their weight to record gains or losses.

with chameleons, you will see bones all the time as they contort their body. they also inflate or flaten out. I tend to look at the legs and tail to "watch the thickness". chunky legs and your chams are getting fat. see too many bones all the time? too thin.

supers are fatning and so are wax worms. both should be rarly used. but are not bad in putting on a bit of grams.

see if going to a size of roach just one molt smaller and up the count a bit. see if he takes more now each day.

the head issue I've seen before. I wish I could give you a true reason, but what I can say is that it is both not your fault, nor the breeders. this is a defect that happens normaly after the seller ships and then too soon for the buyer to do something so wrong.

it can happen to one baby and not the rest of the clutch, and is normaly this low.

what are your misting times and for how long do you mist by hand? (unrelated, as I don't think it's hydration because his eyes look too good.)

I'll relook at your photos, but he looked healthy. (edit: just checked. he looks perfect otherwise. his legs and tail are just what a normal boy will look like at his age.)


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Thank you for your input. For misting I use a pump mister and give the cage a good spray down in the morning about 7:30-8 after they've gotten up, when I get home from work about 1-2(maybe 3), and another about 5. I make sure that all the plants are nice and wet with each misting. I have never watered the plants, as the misting gives them plenty of water.

How old would you guess? 2 months? I've had them 1 month on Feb 8. What age chameleon should one purchase? Should they have been sold at such a young age? I really like having the opportunity to raise them from a young age and see them mature. I think we've created a pretty good bond, even though I rarely even take them out. When I do, they are calm and relaxed (no "flare ups" or hissing/biting (never have...I hope never will). Maybe a little hissing would be ok. :lol: I've seen some videos where they are just "not having it" and get all puffed,hissing, and rocking back and forth. Pretty funny stuff, but keep your fingers clear. :eek:

Here's some pics after the morning shower today. Looking "healthier"? It's all about the lighting. :lol:



And the female...


misting times a day is great, but I'm still not sure for how long each time that you mist.

try to mist for at least 5 mins per misting. this gives them time to realise that it's drinking time.

otherwise, they are looking great.

the best time to sell a baby is about 3 month old. they are now old enough to ship and are strong enough to deal with rookie mistakes.

I too like to raise them from a baby and watch them color up.


Misting times vary depending on the wetness, but for 5 minutes at the least. I guess I was able to get them younger as they were purchased at a show and didn't need to be shipped. They still have a lot more growing and colors to come in.

I just missed the tongue shot, but caught the worm before the first munch. It's funny that It looks like a puff of calcium dust around the worm from the impact of flying into the mouth. It looks like he knows to close his eyes to avoid it. They love their silkworms. GOT SILK? :lol: I just noticed, but it looks like it scared the :poop: out of the silkworm. Dessert?


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Had the chams out today in this gorgeous California weather (currently 90 degrees here). Thought this was an adorable shot of my boy just "hanging" out. I thought it was adorable. He is camera shy. :lol:


It was a hefty 38 degrees here in my Michigan Igloo today, 19 tonight! But my Idolo get the Cali 90 degree stuff lol, while I wait for my feet to thaw? :lol:

Love'n your little guy's! ;)

Got a three year old veiled as my first reptile and chameleon. Isn't a fan of me yet, but he tried to snag a cricket out of my hand and missed, and wouldn't try again :( Also, my cham seems to stay his dark colors, like he is mad or stressed, but i have a drip system, and mist him well. Maybe I should feed him a bit more, hmm. He's starting to color down a bit though.
