My new veiled chameleons


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Mine are getting bigger and showing a little color, but they have a lot of growing up to do. Mine rarely go dark on me. Yours may just need to get used to you. Good luck with him

Here's a pic of my male yesterday. He is getting some really pretty colors. :wub:


He was just sitting on the outdoor ficus soaking up some sun. I thought the arched back was strange, but he just kept that position. He reminded me a lot of the chameleon from Monster's Inc.

I feel that they do that pose when they feel that they need more D3 from the sun or your lights.

This is fully normal and should not be worried about.


Aww, I'm jealous. Chams have always been on my want list but the UVB bulbs and expensive caging always puts me off. I got a couple thousand dubias that are no longer being used for reptiles, (Lets just say my chickens are pretty carnivorous around these times) and I'm terribly wanting some more lizards so I can put these to good use!

Thought I'd share some new sleeping photos. Nice colors and getting bigger...



I think his tail is pretty. The colors are more vibrant if you tilt the screen. Makes the orange really pop! :D

...and my female


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Beautiful! Chubby aren't they? Their size kind scare me a bit.

Do you have any experiences caring for the pygmy chameleons? What kind of UVB (zoomed or any brand of uvb) that you'd recommend? I have been researching for this pygmy chameleon and would love to have one.

they aren't too chubby. when they sleep they kinda hunker down and compact themselves for a "sturdy" sleep. I use a repti-glo 5.0 48" and a 6500k fluorescent in a double hood over both cages (2x2x4') and a 65 watt light for basking. They get taken out regularly for natural sun. I have him out right now. They love the sun and don't like to go back inside.

they aren't too chubby. when they sleep they kinda hunker down and compact themselves for a "sturdy" sleep. I use a repti-glo 5.0 48" and a 6500k fluorescent in a double hood over both cages (2x2x4') and a 65 watt light for basking. They get taken out regularly for natural sun. I have him out right now. They love the sun and don't like to go back inside.
Thanks for the advice!


If interested in other info, there is a chameleon forum for research before you take the "dive" and also to help with their keeping. It would be best to get everything set up and working before the purchase of the chameleon. Good luck if you choose to get one...or 2. :D Some people have more. The forum also has a classified section and I've seen some good offers, but 2 is my limit...for now.

I thought I'd share some recent photos and videos of my veileds. Female is weighing in at 100 grams and the male is 90 grams.

Male (getting beautiful oranges)


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I am totally loving them. Even though they can be feisty, I still like to take them out for sunning and some handling. Mostly it's just taking them out and putting them on an outside, potted ficus. I do my best to provide them everything they need, but I still worry about MBD and everything else that could happen if not kept properly. I was looking at the males back legs and thought they looked "crooked" and thought "OMG, MDB!". But I think he's just getting thicker calves. They sure grow fast. That male is gonna be pretty fearsome as an adult. He shows A LOT of oranges and have heard of a "Sunburst" veiled. Is that just a fancy name if they have more orange? His coloring is only going to get more amazing and a shed should be coming up soon. :D

Awesome update, thanks for sharing the videos! Your chams are so striking (especially the male!) that I'm seriously tempted to get a pair.
