ok, bored and can't help myself!


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"Seeking a male mantis"

I hope you're not the female mantis... are you?


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Free mantises and feeders for new forum members.

So let me get this straight. First, there have to be members of a New Forum, (or should that be News Forum? Can anyone join? What is it called?) and they all have a bunch of mantises and feeders (all my mantises are feeders, anyway, but that's another story) that are so tangled up that they don't know what to do, so you want us to free the critters for them. Is that about right?

Anyway, it's nice to hear someone say "mantises" now and then, instead of that new fangled word! :D

Gravid Female Ghost Acting So Weird Last Night

I see several things wrong with this statement

1. Ghosts can't be pregnant.

2. If she is pregnant, why is she acting weird last night?

3. Is that her not so attractive way of saying, " I WANT MORE KIDS,"?

4. Is that even safe for the already existing baby?
