orange baboon experiences


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Jan 28, 2013
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Every T has a personality but none is as the temperament as the OBT. Does anyone handle their OB or do you have it strictly as show?

Mombasa starburst baboon tarantula.jpg

I kept our female OBT in a display on our desk and handled her a couple times a week, I had to hand her off last fall and have been looking for a young female to replace her. They have a nasty bite, mine never got me after it hit 2'' or so.

Yes they do! I have 2 male and female "beauty and beast" but they are both beast's most the time lol.

But I handle very limited due to the nature of the bite,I have been bitten and does not feel good endless pain for a week or so!

ive got OBTS(as well as the normal color form) and they are as mad as a box of frogs

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I had a male Starburst years ago. He was so freaking nasty! If i looked at him wrong he would hiss at me! :lol:

I never intentionally handled my OBTs, but I do recall one or two juvies(separate instances) making a break for it...running up my arm...jumping onto the floor...climbing the wall...seeking refuge behind a book shelf. As I frantically gave chase, my wife an daughter were shouting encouragement from a safe distance. "There it goes! Under the couch! Get it, get it!" I'm sure many can relate. Good times. :)

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I never intentionally handled my OBTs, but I do recall one or two juvies(separate instances) making a break for it...running up my arm...jumping onto the floor...climbing the wall...seeking refuge behind a book shelf. As I frantically gave chase, my wife an daughter were shouting encouragement from a safe distance. "There it goes! Under the couch! Get it, get it!" I'm sure many can relate. Good times. :)
Hahaha... I need to get back into these. The smaller, jumpy and faster ones freak me out. But like you said, good times! :D

I remember having 50 slings of these in 2000 or 2001, before a lot of people knew how venomous they were and before I really knew how beautiful they became. I didn't mind feeding the hundred T. blondi slings. Sure, they urticated a lot, but they were somewhat communal and didn't run up my arms at lightning speed and hang out in my armpits or get pinched between my shirt and arm to the point I didn't want to move. The tarantula hobby has a lot of options for handleable species, but I wouldn't put this one on my list. I've only had a few adults pass through my way, years later, and after reports about so and so ending up in the hospital for a week or so. Only a solitary H. schmidti I once had exceeded these orange guys in nastiness. This particular specimen was so aggressive and nasty that it would kill its feeders seemingly for sport and rarely eat.

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Like your H. schmidti, I once had an aberrant G. pulchripes. Never determined the source of the Psycho Chaco's malfunction; it was just her temperment. She was more proactively aggressive than my OBTs and other baboons, but fortunately not as fast. Yeah, I never attempted to handle her either. Miss that girl!


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