Pink Katydid


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Wow, that must be so exciting. Pink Katydids are really hard to come by. I have found alot of the green ones right near my house this summer, I really enjoy them. I They have cute faces as well as personalities, and boy do they love to eat. I have never encountered a Pink one before. Good Luck with them, I hope you end up getting lost of babies in the future!! And if you do I'd love to get some :)


Now that is awesome. Is this a genetic defect as in albinism, or are all members of the species pink in color?

Wow! I had no idea something like this even existed in the U.S.

Thanks for sharing Yen, good luck with the breeding!
Thanks! It is actually a species wide spread on the central and east of the USA. But the pink one is rare.
This is a very nice specimen. I have never before seen a pink one. If it flew accidentally into the range of my Panther Chameleon, it would be gone in less that 3 seconds. The Panther loves katydids. I would never feed a pink one because it is so rare. Good luck yen.

This species probably doesn't exist on the west coast, but a pink one is hard to miss. My son thinks a katydid in pink color is unreal, like the pink panther :)
Wow, that must be so exciting. Pink Katydids are really hard to come by. I have found alot of the green ones right near my house this summer, I really enjoy them. I They have cute faces as well as personalities, and boy do they love to eat. I have never encountered a Pink one before. Good Luck with them, I hope you end up getting lost of babies in the future!! And if you do I'd love to get some :)

Thanks. I have been told they love romain lettuce and cheerios! What type of foodplant have you seen them feeding on?
Now that is awesome. Is this a genetic defect as in albinism, or are all members of the species pink in color?
It is a condition called erythrism. A genetic mutations causing the lack of normal pigment (green). Green is the most common color for this species, pink is rare, and according to the following Wiki, orange is ultra rare.

By the way, the common name of this species is oblong-winged katydid, it is the pink one from this species that carries the name pink katydid.

Very purdy indeed, right up my alley Rare and Beautiful! Have you noticed any other differences besides the pink color in them compared to a normal green one?

Yen I really hope that you can breed them because I want some! I would also like to try and breed them because they would make excellent food for my chameleons. I wouldn't feed the pink ones out though lol!

Do you know how the eggs are kept for this species?

You seem to have all the luck getting hold of the best stuff. Most species of katydid throw a pink form but finding one is another story (let alone getting hold of an established line).

How cool! I have never seen a pink one before! That is really sweet! Be awesome to have some in a classroom to help get kids over the "bugs are ugly" attitude.


Here's the brown adult female conehead katydid I mentioned earlier. This is the second brownish katydid I've found in the last two years. Last year I found an adult male.

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How cool! I have never seen a pink one before! That is really sweet! Be awesome to have some in a classroom to help get kids over the "bugs are ugly" attitude.

You can count me in for your future list for Pink Katidids customers.
Pressure... :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: Will do my best. So far the pink katydids are doing fine feeding on peach leaves and lettuce, and strangely, love cheerios too :lol:

No pressure Yen. There's just kids to delight and educate and a multi-zillion dollar business to be made (if this forum is in any indicator) from spreading these wonderful pink katydids. They're basically the unicorns of the insect world. Scratch that. They're the PINK unicorns of the insect world.

No pressure. ;)

That's really awesome, Yen. I hope you have success with those little guys. It reminds me of the excitement when the albino Narceus americanus hit the market. (I think via Orin).

Thanks lunarstorm and holdthepickle. Pic of pink katydid molting. The first one for me, from the smaller pink katydid. Sorry pics are not sharp since taken through plastic tank.


