Please help with a ghost enclosure


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any pictures???
erm i can get u 1 but theres not much to see tbh...i use a 32 0z deli cup with wet paper towel at the bottom..then i use fabric with elastic band for the lid.i tryed puting sticks in there but they stay on the lid so now i dont put any thing in the cup.i got them at L3 there sub adult now...any thing will do really..doesnt have to be any thing special.

The substrate in the tank is two inches of gravel topped with three inches of peat moss and then followed up with a final substrate of black sand. Sand works very well to retain the moisture locked in the layers beneath. Once the subtrate is initially wet, a 65% humidity is easily maintained with weekly misting. The tank is easily cleaned by sweeping the sand with a small paintbrush and scooping the trash out with a spoon. Black sand also works well as an added bonus cuz it is the same color as mantis droppings.

12x12x18 Exo-terra is abit too big, don't you think?
No, they seem to love it ;) Climb around the twigs, the top. I handfeed them anyway so it's np :) And they still have to grow a bit.

I also wanted a bigger space to keep cannibalism minimum. Nothing happened so far and I don't think it will. And also, I wanted it cause it looks nice in my room ;)

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i would put some honey somewhere in the tank where the flys can eat and then i would drop 10 flys in there..soon as the 10 are eaten throw another 10 in hand feeding them.

Hand feeding is actually alot easier. Flies are just too small and too much trouble, I just feed mines big'O roaches and they will be full for atleast 2days.

Hand feeding is actually alot easier. Flies are just too small and too much trouble, I just feed mines big'O roaches and they will be full for atleast 2days.
i like flys :lol:

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