question on misting enclosures


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Nov 24, 2005
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well i have my baby african mantis (ghana - s.lineola) and i was wondering if i should be sparaying the enclosure at alll now its only tiny :)

thanks again good people

Yes you should. I keep that species dry as adults but mist the nymphs everyday. Nymphs drink a lot of water and the humidity helps them molt. Lightly mist him once a day.

b. mendica require low humidity levels so it may be best to not spray at all.

Well, they do get fairly thirsty so if you spray the sides of the container once ever few days they should be fine.

ace, thanks. that's what i was gonna do. the humidity in my room is crazily low though, i still think i'll probably do one spray a week. um, just while I'm on the subject of b. mendica's - how many fruit flies a day do you reckon an L4 should have? will they just become uninterested if i keep showing em more flies? i just dont want them to burst...

they do get alot of moisture from food though ???? so i imagine they wont need alot to drink

Mist them and see what they do. If they hunch down to drink the water then you need to mist them more often.
