Rhombo' and 'Chaeta logs


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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2010
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LOL so now we have more updates, I would like to use this thread for everyone to track their rhombodera "stalli-basalis-valida" and or heterochaeta "occidentalis-orientalis" Please post pics and your experiences!

First rhombodera, my rhombos are still at 25 or 26 from the 30 I received. they are now at L4, L5 and growing a little quicker than chaeta, starting to get their shields in. they are majorly aggressive, stalking prey and eachother in the containers around them. they eat very well and attack with very brute and precise force. they are scared when i hold them for the first time though, when they are unsure they crouch down and lie flat with their antennae straightened towards you. alot of the time they will run to the underside of your hand. waving to this mantis slowly is the best thing to relax them when they realize there's no harm from the giant they are waving back and really do get excited to crawl on you, rhombo as a species does not like technology for some reason, they crouch down when you get a text or if they catch a glimpse of the television, especially when they see you touch the remote. I believe they have some sort of sense of the vibration maybe. I have had one mismolt that straightened himself out now. I want to keep them in their 32 oz til pre sub then move them into 12" net cages under a humidifier.





I have about 24 heterochaeta still, they are getting quite large, my 6 groups of 5 became groups of 3 practically overnight when they were housed in deli cups. so i had to revise and make the chaeta mansion which i would recommend at the beginning of L4 basically when they are able to tackle bluebottles. I dont want to admit cannibalism, because they do so well with eachother really, but the frequency of interaction i think thins their patience for each other when in a tighter space. something big like a cabinet works better for a big group (again delis worked great til about L4 though), line it up with twigs the best to use is probably birch though. heterochaeta get defensive as soon as you approach the enclosure, their defensiveness in their reactions are priceless lol. some stretch out looking at others reaction and its like a chain just because one seen me and flared up. chaeta are a bit scared when you take them from their mansion, but as soon as you poke their raptors a bit and give them a wave they are jumping for joy. heterochaeta jump quite a bit when on an excursion. they look around and make eye contact alot.





again post your pics and thanks for the interest!

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I love R stalli species, one of my very favorites. My Stalli's mated, but I did not incubate very well, it didn't hatch. My old man Sweeny is still kicking :) I hope you have many babies...

I hope to have more Rhomboderas soon :)

lol sweeny's sweet, i see his tarsus is broken on the raptor and hes clenching that towel a bit, quite the old man..tis

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I love R stalli species, one of my very favorites. My Stalli's mated, but I did not incubate very well, it didn't hatch. My old man Sweeny is still kicking :) I hope you have many babies...

I hope to have more Rhomboderas soon :)
Haha I hope u get more Shield's Sally I'm Still waiting lol ....

Had a Rhombodera valida adult female...she was never mated (no males were found) and was calling every evening for several hours; sad to watch. She has since passed but had a wickedly aggressive hunting mood. She laid two fairly large unfertile ooths too...

All the best with your guys' rhombos and chaetas....

I just received some Rhombodera valida :) I will put some pictures on soon .

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Nice job! I hope you get some breeding pairs this time. It looks like I have 4 valida pairs. Don't know how I got so lucky. I think they're about pre-sub.


Rhombo and chaeta together

They got along so well, but I left them alone for one second and you wouldn't believe what happened..


I almost got robbed..

Haha Chaeta worked so hard for that moth. Rhombo is not going to share lol. I had to look twice to see the Chaeta in their habitat. What great stick mimics they are.

Haha a little tussle. Chaeta just loves stepping on Rhombo.... I forgot to post pics, I will try to do it tomorrow :)


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