Thank yousally your doing these species so much justice they couldnt have fell into better hands!
Wish you many more boxers and tophats
♫ Love is in the air
Everywhere I look around
Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound
And I don't know if I'm being foolish
Don't know if I'm being wise ♫
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They didn't seem too hard. They remind me of Ghosts in their care.Nice photos! And glad to hear of your mating successes. I have a question, how difficult is it to raise and breed Phyllothelys breve? Any specific care requirements? I've tried to find as much info as I can by searching the forums but I was only able to gather small bits of pieces of info - such as they're "difficult" and "require high humidity."
Ghosties on crack!They didn't seem too hard. They remind me of Ghosts in their care.
I think they are very chill compared to my H membrans. They also act like bottom dwellers, hugging the bottom of the container. (At least mine do....)Lol cant get enough of the tophats
Congrats on prohierodula sally!
How do they compare to hierodula sp?