I incubated the Orchid ooths at 80 f in the day and 73 or 74 f at night. I am still waiting on my 2nd hatch, fingers crossed. Out of the two females, only one would mate... The other girl will not mate and has only laid a very small ooth. She eats well, and seems healthy, but is really set on not mating, lol. It is amazing how different they are. Now I am going to try the D lobatas....hoping for the best. I am still waiting on the 2nd ooth of the T Elegans to hatch. My Stagmo Cali ooths have not yet hatched. My Creos mated and now there is an ooth

Ironically, my mated female ghost is taking really long to lay her ooth. I am trying to hatch an Idolo ooth, I hope it is fertile

All in all my very favorite by far are the Shields.....