Saying goodbye


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It was so lovely to meet a kindred spirit in mantis adoration and love of animals Sticky :) it was well worth the trip!

You know my feelings about these little guys and all animals so I won't reiterate it and bore our forum members, besides replying to all of the positive energy in this thread would take forever.

The negative energy(calling someone a child because you have nothing better, def a troll) just isn't worth wasting time over.

Now one topic I will reply to... If you believe that no living being whether plant or animal has a soul I would have to say that you have OBVIOUSLY NEVER worked a trauma or medical code and felt that person finally give up and let go of their broken meatbag of a body and soar away... I cannot count the times they drifted right through me even as my hands were still working on them.

It is, in my humble opinion a beautiful but sad experience that I am sad that most will never experience.

Whatever you choose to call it, it exists in ALL of us.

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if a mantid is suffering, i squish them, really quickly. i used to freeze them but then i realized that they die very slowly when frozen. i imagine its like being placed in the snow without clothes on. i honestly would rather be crushed by a boulder and die instantly. so thats what i do when mine are suffering. either due to a mismolt or a sickness. but when one is getting ready to die of old age, i just let it happen. i leave the mantid in the cage until he/she is gone. it doesnt seem to be painful for them. they just become slow and weak and then die.

i think anything that holds energy has a soul. according to me, thats what a soul is. energy. like a battery. some people might say, its the brain or heart that keeps us alive, but without energy, neither of those things would function. and i think after the body dies, that energy lives on. where else would it go? it wouldnt just disappear. i obviously dont know if this is true but its what i personally choose to believe.

i think all creatures and plants and anything on this earth is important. humans tend to think theyre most important but i disagree. who are we to say that we are most important? and why, just because we are intelligent? if you ask me, humans are actually quite foolish. we are destroying ourselves and the planet for money, which is basically, paper and ink. animals arent this stupid. they do what they must to stay alive and they have a purpose. for mantids, i think their purpose, is to reduce the population of pests. imagine if there werent things that ate insects? there would be no balance, earth would be over run.
