Source for Metal microscreen?


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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2017
Reaction score
Kelowna, BC, Canada
Hey guys, So I am told that brass microscreen (300microns/holes smaller than 1/16th on an inch) is what i need to prevent escapes of my smallest feeders. 

Problem is a tiny piece seems to very expensive. Does anyone know where to get a 300 micron metal mesh screen for a reasonable price? I'd like to use it on my mantis containers but at prices I've seen I cant even afford it for the feeders' breeding container and have to settle for making a billion holes in a plastic lid with a tiny pin!

I acquired 20 kinds of roaches in an attempt to find a feeders in a range of size, activity, heat, humidity prefernces, so that I can leave a weeks worth of food in varied temperature and humidty enclosures. The idea was to make raising/breeding several species a bit less tedious. 

Fabric lids will work to contain small types for nymphs, but adults can chew through it easily and escape. So maybe I will use fabric for my smaller enclosures and save the microscreen for my roach colonies.. 

Perhaps, I'll just feed the bigger mantids on silks, horn worms, waxworms and BSFL, even though they are a bit annoying and messy.

I started all this to simplify feeding(cause I cant find flies for sale were Im from)but It hasnt worked out that way just yet...heh

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