Stagmomantis carolina Oothecae


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Mar 25, 2009
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I had found an ooth a week ago and told my cousin to put it in the fridge while i was at school and of course he put it in the FREEZER :eek: when i learned about this (6-7 hours later) i removed it and put it on my shelf to hatch.

I found another ooth in my shed but when i removed it, it had a hole (about 1/6 of an inch) on the flat end of the ooth :( ,

i ignored this and glued it to my contained.

will these hatch?

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Welcome to the forum. Intro forum must be down or something <_< Anyways, yeah it may still hatch. Can you post a pic of the ooth so I can see if it has hatched already?

Welcome to the forum. Intro forum must be down or something <_< Anyways, yeah it may still hatch. Can you post a pic of the ooth so I can see if it has hatched already?
Sorry Rick, i would take some pics but my camera is down for the time being.

I would've also read the intro but i much rather have my questions answered quickly.

The "hole" is more of a pit, maybe 2mm into the ooth and then it stops.

hope that helps. :lol:

Sorry Rick, i would take some pics but my camera is down for the time being.I would've also read the intro but i much rather have my questions answered quickly.

The "hole" is more of a pit, maybe 2mm into the ooth and then it stops.

hope that helps. :lol:
They can get a bit rough while sitting around all winter.

I'd bet on the first one hatching if it has not done so already. Is the 'zipper' open?

You never know on the one that got bored by a wasp.

Welcome to the forum. Intro forum must be down or something <_< hahahahahahahha, made me laugh out loud this morning Rick, I have been thinking the same thing......... :lol:

The ooth with the hole if fertile and unhatched will hatch, I just did a test for myself on an ooth a mouse ate into, hatched just fine! And the frozen one,,,, haha, did u slap him in the head? Will hatch too, the frozen north, last time I checked still has praying mantis running around and hey Welcome to the forum from OHIO!

I'd bet on the first one hatching if it has not done so already. Is the 'zipper' open?You never know on the one that got bored by a wasp.
no the zipper is closed, the problem is when i removed it from the shed the flat side was hole...y

no the zipper is closed, the problem is when i removed it from the shed the flat side was hole...y
I've seen that before on good ooths of that species. Just wait and see because we can' t really help you without seeing it for ourselves.

They're probably fine (unless they hatched last year). I've seen some ootheca wasps and they're generally just a few millimeters long, I don't know if there's such a thing as a single giant wasp coming out of an ootheca.


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