The Mantis Family 2020


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Bleh, Esmeralda dont want to eat much , She is at end of her life too. She ate roach goo. She drank some water. in her behavioue nothing changed. She is a sweet old mantis.

This old lady is still with me despite she doesn't eat much. but she likes to have a drink like she did on this photo;


She is still alert of her surroundings. But her hunting days are over.

A little update on  Esmeralda: Today she refused to drink, Think she will be gone soon. i dont remeber when i bought her, but think she lived a long life. and now she is old. eating she refused earlier. she was slapping to here food like "eeew that is not tasty"

i will enjoy her last days with me.

At the moment I am still thinking what species I want. maybe a H. masjuscula, ghost or a budwing...
