Vielded chameleon


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Lovely i want one :p

I read some caresheets for these guys and they're really not difficult to keep if you're familair with caring for reptiles that need special lighting, supplements, etc. However some say they should not be housed in a glass enclosure due to seeing their reflection. I have a large glass/screen enclosure that is not being used. The top and sides are screen and I wonder if that would work.

They are the easiest species of chameleons to keep, Neonates do better in a small aquarium with a 100% net lid as they need a bit more humidity than adults. As juveniles they can/should be "potted" up into a 100% net cage as they need good ventilation. This species has been reported to drink from a bowl of water and indeed mine did but they have to learn it, they normally recognise the light reflected from drops of water and drink from these if not sprayed directly, every day.

If you buy one of those low wattage garden ornamental water features and take the pump out you can sit it in a shallow tray of water and the chameleon will recognise the droplets scattered around it and drink from these whilst slowly learning to drink from the bowl.

As a neonate it is recomended that you just feed fly species at least for a while as those fed crickets have been known to regularily regurgitate them causeing varying degrees of dehydration. After that crickets are not a problem but i would recommmend feeding all the different species you can in the early/safe days as all of mine would not exept crickets they had not learnt to exept/recognise as food then.

They do positively thrive in captivity and this can lead to a short life in females, wild females lay 20 or so eggs in the wild but due to the better captive environment they can lay up to ninety (90) and this can lead to calcium deficiencies amongst others.

As mentioned above and before a good full spectrum flourescent tube is a must as is a good calcium/vit powder.

You will do well Morpheus with this species, I cant believe you payed £25 for her as they normally go for £45-£55 get a male :)

Heheheh, thx Birdfly

Im worried that i havent seen them drink yet, been sprayed everyday though, i`ll try to get flies then as ive seen a few hovering around, are wild caught livefood safe though?

Hard to say Morpheus, i catch wild flies, moths, bee's etc for my mantids all summer long cause they are better obviously, i have not had an unexplainable death yet but thats not to say it couldnt happen, best stick with captive raised curly wing flies for a while, pm me your address and i'll send you up my bluebottle pupae.

I noticed you said "they" or "them" have you got a pair? if so well done, you'll not regret it, males have such a big head crest, they look fantastic as adults. :)

Wow thx Birdfly :D

Bit tiny my chm though isnt she? not sure what she can tckle yet as im used to feeding mantids crix half thier size lol, so being real cautous and feeding my cham tiny crix, sadly not a m/f pair, me and my dad got 2 females from a breeder in over here in gloucestershire, if i do well with my little beauty i hope to try and track down a male, she came from a batch of 86!

Chams are not easy as everyone thinks i own a veiled cham. Go to and research. They take alot of money time and care. I have pics of them shooting tongue and drinking and many other things

No chameleons on the whole are tricky, expensive, time consuming etc but calyptratus is very easy compared to the others :)

You should have some years of reptile husbandry under the belt before trying these however :)

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after all this time u still arnt hatching your own flys or making your own cultures TUT TUT :rolleyes:

Who?Just checked my ff, all of them can bloody fly!!!!!!
i keep readin u say"theres no insect in the garden"i would of thought by now u would be buying maggots and hatching your own..also if there flying buy a new culture for 2.50£. your not still using that same culture i sent u months ago..? lol hahahah man that thing must be gloged up wth dead flys and casters..i bet its a right

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oh i want to shoot your lizard so bad..get your dad to drive u to take some pics then u can drive home :lol: :p :p


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