Vivarium plans


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May 25, 2009
Reaction score
London, UK.
Hi folks! I am planning my first setup. I'm going to buy a 30 x 30 x 30cm Exo Terra tank and divide it into two vertically. I want to furnish it to look good, something natural for whatever species I decide on. I have some dead wood and some tree bark, and I plan maybe bark chippings//mulch for the bottom with an assortment of silk plants (maybe real ones too). I like the Exo tank as it has front opening and once divided each side of the tank will have it's own door front. Also because the easy access will be great for my macro photographs. I have read here about peoples setups, so I guess my plans are ok.

What I really want to know is, if I include water in the base (maybe a small pool a couple of inches deep) will the mantid be safe from drowning.

Thanks all,


This will make a very nice setup and I plan on setting up something very similar myself this week. You may want to check the search engine (top row, fifth from the left) using something like <terra tank> and this link in particular: for a recent discussion.

That said, I would suggest that you start out by raising a few mantids in more conventional enclosures, like 32oz (1L) deli cups while you learn the basics of mantis raising and learn what species are communal and what not and how to open your tank and feed fruit flies or house flies, etc.

I would love to have a mini waterfall in mine but have decided not to for four reasons. If you check out a stream pool, or even a swimming pool, you will quickly see that many terrestrial insects are pretty dumb when it comes to dealing with water, and many drown. 1st instar nymphs are notorious for jumping into droplets of water after misting and drowning themselves, and I have no reason to suppose that they learn from experience.

The second problem is that your enclosure would have 100% RH, high for almost any species, and dangerously high for some, and the third is that you will always have water condensation on your front glass, which IMHO spoils the effect of the setup. Finally, in a setup with mostly dry material (as opposed to a terrarium) you are quickly going to grow a lot of mold and strange looking fungi.

Those pools and waterfalls do look cool, though....... :mellow:

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Hi PhilinYuma. Yes, I think I will start with something simpler. My local store has some 12in high x 6in diam clear acrylic containers, so I will use these initially. Be good to progress to a better setup soon though, and my original plans is still on when I can afford to buy the Exo tank. The water idea sounds like a no go then. Makes sense not to introduce a hazard into the setup. Thanks for your thoughts and comments!


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