Water Sealer for Wood


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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2016
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Reyjavìk Iceland
I've decided to construct some habitats for my mantises from scratch. I'm using untreated wood as its cheaper and comes in the size I wanted and was wondering if anyone has used any sort of water sealer on their mantis homes? I went out looking for some manner of non-toxic wood sealer but had no luck at all. I'm thinking that so long as I use the water based stuff and give it amble time to try nothing bad should happen?

@Teamonger Great to see you got the untreated lumber, as the treated variety is unsuitable for any living creature. The suppliers use formaldehyde and many other highly toxic chemicals in treating it for weather resistance, and those chemicals do not dissipate with time (at least any that would be noticed for several (5 to 10) years and still would be toxic) - any such lumber would poison and kill your pets.

Typically wood cages are painted with latex semi gloss paint (as flat paint is worse than bare wood for cleaning, and high gloss makes it shine off light at the observer) - or it can stained and then varnished is applied. With either it is recommended to let the new setup dry for at least several days for the fumes to stop and clear, longer if you have the time and are patient (a week or more), but once they are dry they become inert (non toxic) and should be problem free.

The only issue was lead-based paints that was removed from stores back in the 60s/70s, so unless you get some old paint from your grandpa's basement you want to use, it should not be a issue. ;) To read more about methods of coating the wood read this forum topic full of ideas and responses, and another idea using plastic here (step 7). To find even more about it search with Google or whatever and use the search terms diy or homemade followed by the terms wood reptile cage (the more commonly found examples).

Speaking of which, for some basic tanks designs and assembly ideas, you can view some guides. Here is one, another guideand another - if you search Google or click on the forum section links it will lead to more than you could likely ever read.

Below is a photo of the very first tank I made for my first mantis pet (Susanna (Stagmomantis carolina)) - I made it the same day I rescued her. The top and bottom are plywood with a 2x1 lumber frame the lid fits into, and the side pieces were constructed of as well. I used fiberglass/plastic mesh to enclosure it all, and anchored it in with staples from my staple gun. The lumber I assembled with wood screws only. I would change many things about it if I made a new one now, but it worked great and my first mantis loved it. :D You can see her barely in the very middle escaping from the empty soft drink cup I caught her in.

It actually was just bare wood, and I never encountered a problem at all, likely as there was no water standing in the bottom, and the mesh allowed for great ventilation drying it quickly. I still use the tank occasionally too, mostly as a breeding tank so the males have plenty of room to escape and hide. :)


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As always thank you so much for your response and extensive knowledge. Its so nice to have people who have already made this crazy journey to ask all the important questions. So interesting as well to see your first tank. Must be a great breeding tank it looks huge! 

I am so glad you mentioned the treated lumber. I had not even thought about that. I have two boxes I made from reclaimed treated wood I was going to use... guess not now. Better to have to make a few more houses then to loose some of my future mantises to mystery toxins!

I've got my habitat about 1/4 of the way done and I'll certainly post pictures once its done. I'm pretty crafty and love diy so I'm in heaven with this hobby. My husband, maybe not so much but he can just stay out of the room with all the creepy crawlies hehe.

Impatient as I am to keep building I actually kept searching and found Shellac is a non toxic natural sealer. I bought some of that on my lunch break. Rather pricey but I figured better safe then sorry. Also it amused me that shellac is a resin secreted by the female lac bug. It's made by a bug and is used on food so I figured it must be safe. 

Mostly I was worried about mold as my bug room is fairly humid due to the pepper plants I'm also trying (and failing miserably) to grow. I had a massive break out of fungal gnats in my plants from over watering as I didn't know better. Still fighting that battle (and slowly winning) but I'd rather be safe then sorry. Don't want any more fungus outbreaks killing things on me.

@Teamonger Your more than welcome as always. :)

My original wood habitat comes in at a whopping 29" long x 12" wide x 11" tall - all for a 2" adult Carolina mantis (Stagmomantis carolina). :D I made it to fill the entire shelf I had it on, and sturdy enough to withstand any of my three cats if they decided to attack (which they never have shown much interest in my mantids to this day).

Strange enough I actually have been thinking of pitching my plastic setups and creating some in wood and plexi-glass and fiberglass mesh (especially for all my arachnids). I've been waiting for a table saw though before I start for better cuts, but they tend to run $300 for a decent one so I've been hitting all the pawn shops looking for one at half price without luck for about a month now.

Sure I don't blame you, it is always better safe than sorry on anything, especially sensitive mantids. ;) My wife is the same, and I kick her out when she gets lippy/mouthy/irate about my pets haha.

Interesting about the shellac from the lac bug, for another bug's house. Best of luck with your projects (glad you enjoy the DIY too), and with exterminating the gnats. Good, I'm curious to see photos of what you create for your pet.

If you look up custom reptile tanks, reptile diy enclosure, diy reptile home... you'll find alot of great ideas. You can also look into checking out the enclosure threads at beardeddragonforum.com for more ideas (where I've been collecting my data, as I will be building one or two for my dragons...)

Pinterest is also a good place for many, many ideas.

@LAME I wish Mantids liked basking rocks. There are indeed so many really awesome reptile diy threads and tutorials out there that I would love to try my hand at someday. I seen a few of your experiments and they look like so much fun to construct.

I already have a design in mind its just materials that are kicking my butt. After CosbyArt mentioned the treated lumber (can't believe I had not thought about that) my first attempt had to be chucked. Then, being paranoid, I had to recheck the wood i bought for the second which was like 50% finished.... it was also treated :(  Frustrating but I'm glad I found out before any bug babies were harmed.

I bought UNTREATED lumber last night and started for the third and hopefully final time. As soon as I have progress I'll be sure to post pics.

If you are on youtube, check out Lizard_Landscapes channel. He does alot of sweet builds and even covers a few tree stump and bark styled builds made with Styrofoam and grout that I'm going to eventually attempt to build.

They are fun to build, but it does get a bit messy with all the Styrofoam and grout... but the finished products are totally worth it.


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