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*Head desk*. For years, I have been wanting to make some larger easy to cling to structures for my mantises to hang out on when outside of their cages but I could never find anything. I was always looking at random over priced bird playgrounds. Despite all your fun looking foam structures, it has only just occurred to me now when you mentioned catwalks that the pool noodle floats and sponges would be the perfect material. I could feed them through hard wire, strings, and other materials to make all sorts of shapes and perch areas. Best part is not only could I custom make any shape I want but the materials would be dirt cheap to boot. Well now I know what I will be doing next.

This thread has been here how long and this realization on just hit me? :oops:


I use THIS contraption for photos and cage cleaning...


Here's a recent throw-some-scraps-together-quick-we-have-babies enclosure...


It's hard to see, but the lime green foam is cut and wedged to make a catwalk. There's nylon screen hotglued on three sides for climbing, and more on the top (the screen is too coarse). and, of course, a foam plug in the top for feeders.

Never let it be said that Sporeworld doesn't have a knack for the bold and whimsical beauty of enclosure construction!

How in the world did I miss this thread? I'm generally a purist but I admit I kinda like it. :shifty:

Sorry if this was already brought up, but how do you get the sponge trees in your first pick to stand up? Do you just hotglue them to the bottom of the enclosure that way?

Ha! Several different approaches. Some are skewered through, or glued to, wire. Sometimes sticks, or artificial plant stems. There are long sponges along the bottom, wedged in securely. I just jam the stems into the foam and they sya put.

In earlier versions, I had weighted rocks or planters that they were stuck or glued into, but this wasn't as secure. Some versions I just wedged all the "trees" against the sides to keep the bottom free for cleaning. I always meant to just use a shop vac in some way to clean the bottom, but never finished that approach (was too worried about killing nymphs).
