What book are you reading?


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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2012
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St. Louis, Missouri
I figured that this might be a good thread for those of us who have holiday breaks. What book are you reading, how are you liking it and do you recommend it?

Right now I'm rereading The Subtle Knife, the sequel to The Golden Compass. I love these books so much, and rereading them is a great pleasure. I definitely recommend the trilogy, and the audiobook is really great too!

Just finished The Hobbit in preparation for watching the movie this week. Loved the Lord of the Rings movies! Currently rereading Species Seekers by Richard Conniff because I love it. It's all about the men and women (and consequently their families) that have devoted or allowed their lives to be devoted to the quest for species. It's a fantastic read that makes me long for summer days and bug-collecting road trips...and the future where I retire and just drive around the US looking for bugs all the time. I enjoyed collecting 23 Larinioides cornutus (Furrow Orbweaver) in the eaves of my house today, in my shorts, on a ladder and in the rain. I had my headlamp on under my ball cap so that I could see in all the nooks and crannies (furrows, I suppose). I know my neighbors think I'm nuts, but what better things were they up to? Reading good books, perhaps?

If you like natural history or can relate at all to collecting insects or even just like to chuckle every few moments, read Species Seekers! I had a conversation with the author on his blog a year or so ago. Amazing writer!

Golden Compass...I think my son picked that up at the library last week.

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I am just starting The Game of Thrones, and just finished World War Z. Game of Thrones is supposed to be great, and I really enjoy the show so I hope the book and the others in the series are good reads. World War Z was a good book as far as zombie books though, but also was a bit depressing...

I was never fond of Life of Pi myself...

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OMG! Love World War Z and all George R.R. Martin! Love The Hobbit and LOTR! Love The Golden Compass stuff!

Currently re reading Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer, about the 96 Everest trip where so many people died. (Think it was 96?)

It is really good and interesting to me what people will do for what reasons.

OMG! Love World War Z and all George R.R. Martin! Love The Hobbit and LOTR! Love The Golden Compass stuff!

Currently re reading Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer, about the 96 Everest trip where so many people died. (Think it was 96?)

It is really good and interesting to me what people will do for what reasons.
World War Z was good! And I have had Game of Thrones for a month or so now but with college classes and such I haven't had much time to read. <_< Looking forward to finally reading it though. And the Hobbit and LOTR books were awesome, and the movies for LOTR were great as well.. and I quite enjoyed the Hobbit movie that just came out.

I haven't heard of that particular book, I might look into reading it after Game of Thrones

Reading The Master Game by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval. Started off great, tracking the course of the Gnostic traditions from pre-Christan to the Cathars and Bogomils, which is extremely interesting to me, as well as documenting the links between Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Manicheism, the Egyptian traditions and other dualist modalities, and how their resurfacing led to the Renaissance. The authors later tend to get bogged down is rigorous detailed accounts of trends, both political and spiritual, throughout European history which doesn't make for an exciting read but I'm sure will prove necessary for later revelations. Also does an amazing job of documenting just how evil the action of the Catholic church have been since its inception.

I've been reading The Call of Cthulu, by H.P.Lovecraft and World War Z.
I've got a soft spot for Lovecraft. Well, maybe not a soft spot. More of a witch mark through which, at midnight on Walpurgis Eve, tentacles burst forth, grasping and devouring any flesh within reach - and their reach is great! Oh, dour fate to any upon which they lay grip, for the Great Old Ones rend not just flesh but souls! Eldritch horrors await on the Other Side, between the angles of Euclidean geometry and in the space between the stars fractally composing the very atomic structure of matter! On December 21, 2012, when the starts are right, down from the heavens, which hold the gate of heck, shall pour down the pulpy, corpulent masses our furry and fanged ancestors called gods! And up from the black Abyss of the seas, the sunken city of R'lyeh shall rise, and through its eon-encrusted causeways cocked at their unnatural angles, The Great Cthulhu shall stride in his madness to rule again!

Ia, Shub-Niggurath! Black Goat of the woods with a thousand young! Ia, Yog-Sothoth!


Just finished the Alchemist for school, soon to read the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Independently, I read pure nonfiction books about animals, mostly insects

Well I'm not reading anything right now, but I just finished the sequel to "The Black Prism". Good fantasy book where the magic is based on diffracting light.

I loved Life of Pi. But I had the audiobook and it was very well done.
I can see why people would like it, but it just wasn't my cup of tea so to speak. I was bored part way through reading it but still had to trudge through since it was a school assignment.

I started reading the Fellow ship of the ring last month and started the Hobbit the other day. I just saw the movie last night i thought it was really good but not a fan that they are making it 3 parts should only be one or 2. just trying to squeazze more movie. but i liked the acting and character development so far in the story.
