What's your least favorite insect?


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I thought they were called chiggers! 

I spent seven years in TX and got to know chiggers once or twice hiking around Austin's beautiful parks, as well as tromping through hill Country. 

I saw fire ants. Might have gotten bit once or twice but that was a small nuisance. 

For me it's mosquitos. We have them in abundance here in Canada. Biting black flies here in the spring. Mostly an hour or so north of Toronto, it gets bad. 


Jiggers and chiggers are two different pests entirely. The former is a tropical flea, the latter a temperate mite larva.

Ticks and it is now tick season. Didn't I mention fleas already? They are dog torturers. Good I haven't seen much fleas on my dog. They give nasty bites.

If a fire ants bite you are aware it for days. It looks like a pimple with a white head about 1/4 inch across. It is worst than a mosquito bite. You can smear a paste of baking soda on the bite help draw out the poison.

I second on ticks. I was laying on the crouch under a blanket and felt something on my right knee. I thought it might be bug. I saw the legs and thought spider but no it was tick. I pulled one off one of the dogs a week ago. I think Lyme disease.

Gladly enough I haven't found any ticks on my dog yet. They give me the shivers They are so disgusting🤮

Hubby still has to go to the vet to get anti tick/flea droplets for Scooby. Or maybe i should go to pet shop and get it myself when fruitfly culture dies off and i need to get a new one.

There are other insects I'm not a fan of, but I hate mosquitoes just so much. Sadly I live in a state filled with lakes.

Field crickets. I can't explain it, but they creep me out. I am ok with almost everything else (heck, we keep cockroach colonies), but those big black crickets.......

Mosquitoes! I get eaten alive! I now go out of my way to pick off all the male mosquitoes under the porch light and feed them to my mantis nymphs. It's just so satisfying to watch them die. I once fed a female mosquito and the mantis started drinking blood from the mosquito's perforated stomach. It was a bit disturbing 😕 , but hey, the mantis had a nice meal.

And I also hate all the various pests that plague my plants. Scale, mealybugs, spider mites (I know, not really insects), aphids, white flies, and such.

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