THAT'S NOTHING COMPARED TO TO THE RISING PRICES OF POOING PELICAN WEARING A DOG SUIT FLAVORED WOUTHWASH! Do to the recent wall street crisis and occupy protests, the prices have been raised to $100,000(42 x 98537845)+ab2x964892,000+X952+87(6x4658)P+784213245878513QB and 649017953648S+P632,952,164 cents. Pooing pelican wearing a dog suit (P.P.W.D.S.)inc. says that their stocks have dropped 7821245378417543% in the last nanosecond. PPWDS inc. informs us that prices will continue to increase until a bear exactly 20'57" in height and weighing -74659.09365234 pounds wearing a pink polka dot tutu jumps 943734'83" off an underwater cliff at 6:53:06:93PST on dec. 22 2012. this MUST happen simultaneously with the dropping of 9,046,863,967,956 blueberry jam jars containing constipated grasshoppers at 756 8th st. los angeles, CA to prevent the end of the world. Good luck to you all, and remember, PURPLE BANANAS EAT EXPLODING DONKEY PUPPIE PENCIL SHARPENERS!!!!! that will help greatly on your quest.