Why the wiggle?


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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2009
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Since my Chinese nymphs have become L3s, they do this funny wiggle dance whenever they catch prey. It looks like they're happy to have caught something to eat, but is there a more scientific explanation?

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but it is about feeding.

My understanding is that they wiggle about to mimic sticks or leafs. If a predator sees it catching a fly or something, it's gonna be a little suspicious, so the mantid sways about to make itself look more like vegetation, thus evading capture.

I also think they pleased with themselves :p

Has anyone found themselves wiggling simultaneously with their mantid when they catch their prey? :D

haha, yes I wiggle me butt in tune! I view it like a dog wags its tail when happy, and sway like the wind before they catch it, after catching it, the wag is happy with theirselves

I do the food dance when I'm eating something I like. I don't even realize I'm doing it. The kid always makes fun of me.

They aren't wiggling, the prey is struggling and the mantis has to tear into vital organs to kill its prey.
Are you sure? A lot of my mantids wiggle when eating not sure why, but I know it doesn't help them to tear into the prey.

Its not eating, but they still wiggle just as much when they eat:

(mainly at 1:30+)

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They aren't wiggling, the prey is struggling and the mantis has to tear into vital organs to kill its prey.
Yes they do wiggle. I don't know why exactly, but it has nothing to do with "tearing into vital organs to kill its prey." You needn't be so preoccupied with gruesome thoughts. <_<

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My mantids kill their prey like that. They go for the heart or brain.
lol no jackon is write, they dont have depth perseption, so they have to sway to judge how far things are, and they dont go for the brain or heart you ninny lol they go the neck or spinal cord to paralayz there prey. you have not been doing this as long as you say have you :rolleyes:

I love the happy mantis food dance!

I have heard that about swaying to mimic sticks and leaves, but I like to think of it as pure excitement over the food. One of ours is a particularly good dancer. :D



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