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  1. B

    Wanted: Various Species...

    hibiscussmile has paradoxa. i got mine from her, shes great!
  2. B

    Ooths ooths everywhere!

    Hey i have the same thing too. TONS of ooths, in all 7 years living in a rural area i have never seen so many. if any one wants some, i'll sell em low. but seriosly, i cant look anywhere without seeing them, you'll see like five in a five foot squared cluster.
  3. B

    Been here for a lil bit, but ohwell!

    no one wants to greet me officially. just great! is there any love in this forum!
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    How long does it take for ghosts to mature?

    I'm pretty confused because i have hear everything between three months to nine months from the time they are born till they mature. If someone could tell me how long it takes for their ghosts to mature that would be most helpful!
  5. B

    Mating mantises manually

  6. B

    U.S. presidential election

    Jeez, way to go Precious!
  7. B

    U.S. presidential election

    If the feds let me keep my guns and stay out of my business, I'm happy. So No Obama, No Clinton, and Edwards is a creep!
  8. B

    Mating mantises manually

    species to species is not a big difference though. I was just giving an example, it doesn't mean it doesn't work with insects. It hasn't been tried yet right?
  9. B

    Mating mantises manually

    no, i was asking because, that would be the only way to produce a hybrid, anyone ever hear of a liger?
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    Mating mantises manually

    Hm. So why cant you take the spermataphore and stick it into a female mantises vagina? (if thats what its called, which i'm sure its not)
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    Mating mantises manually

    Would it be possible to take the sperm of a male mantis and put it in a female? After mantises mate can you find the spermataphore?
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    Acanthops falcata

    Anybody got some for sale?
  13. B

    Not the longest mantis, But which can tackle the largest prey?

    Many of the larger species of mantises are very thin and fragile, so what species could take out the largest prey? Probabley a form of hierolda, but im a nube so, my opinion would not be the best. lol
  14. B

    Any violins?

    Yeah, sorry if im posting too mush, but i need some mantises! Gongylus Gongylodes?
  15. B

    Any deroplatys?

    Does anyone have any deroplatys or other leaf mantises? -Bill Krut
  16. B

    If any one has any ornate mantids

    i would like to get some ornate mantises before christmas so if anyone has anything that looks like flowers, leaves, etc. i will probably be willing to buy. [email protected] 412-735-6171 :wacko:
  17. B

    need some ghost mantises

    Lookin to pay seven dollars a piece for some ghosts. [email protected]