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  1. Zelthan

    Phyllocrania paradoxa

    The green oneas molted this morning , and the black one hasnt thats why I cant compare him with the others what do you think( I thought I post ed this but I cant find my post I hope is not on the wrong topic)
  2. Zelthan

    Help with Sexing!

    here are the pics, the green ones are bigger beacuse they moulted before this pio(they moulted this mourning) Are they all girls :(
  3. Zelthan

    my first big enclosure

    I can see 8 but there are like 16 inside, that construction is really cheap and strong I recomend it
  4. Zelthan

    Hierodula ooths

    I dont mist them directly because of the fungus growth I have a a lot of moisture in that room air, do you know what is the chemical composition of the ooths?
  5. Zelthan

    Phyllocrania paradoxa

    Excellent info, tomorrow I`ll take the pics from the horns!
  6. Zelthan

    Creobroter gemmatus

    Hi Yen, one of the nymphs that I sold is alredy L4.. and I bet that 5 o f my nyphs are about to moult
  7. Zelthan

    Hierodula ooths

    I think the only reason about humidity is that the ooth caould get harder and it would be difficult for them to hatch
  8. Zelthan

    Stagmomantis mismolt

    hes pronotum has an L shape instead of a stright line
  9. Zelthan

    my first big enclosure

    Thank you :)
  10. Zelthan

    Stagmomantis mismolt

  11. Zelthan

    Hierodula ooths

    Well, as soon as I see a nymph thats has a hardened exoskeleton. I take it out and put it in a single jar I mist 3 times a week because the first time I misted 2 times a week and i got a creobroter ooth that produced half of the nyphs before getting wet( the other half hatched the next morning...
  12. Zelthan

    Creobroter gemmatus

    Hi here are my L3
  13. Zelthan

    Hierodula ooths

    Hi here you can se how I incubate ooths, works pretty well just need to adjust misting depending on your place I mist them tree tmes a week I mist the container only
  14. Zelthan

    my first big enclosure

    Hi I maded this one with pvc pipe hot gun and mesh count the sticks lol
  15. Zelthan

    Id this Stagmomantis please

    Here is the male and the female the thing is that the guy who sold them to me sayd he does not cold the ooths to hatch
  16. Zelthan

    Stagmomantis mismolt

    Hi two of my males mismolt this is the one that had the worst defomity do you thin he will be able to mate?
  17. Zelthan

    Phyllocrania paradoxa

    Hi I have these 3 ghosts and there are no more abiable because they guy who sold them to me sold all the other ones he had to a guy that wont trade or sell, I think there are two females and a male, could you help me sexing them please the "male" female for shure female?
  18. Zelthan

    Hierodula solomonis breding dairy

    Great pics I love those colors!!
  19. Zelthan

    Creobroter nebulosa

    Congratulations Yen you have the eyes of an entomologist :)
  20. Zelthan

    consecutive ooths

    Thank you very mutch I`ll have to mate her with my last male then:)