Mantid Community,
Im taking a hiatus of mantis keeping for a while. :l
Lifes getting super busy, and my plants are attention hogs. I can only focus on a few blood thristy monsters at a time apprently. That being said, i dont feel my mantises are as happy as they could be.
So here's what i...
Hey guys,
Im searching for some P. paradoxa, Creo, or other exotic but easy to keep species' ooths. I can trade some subadult C. humeralis', spiders, and exotic/edible/carnivorous plants. I can also trade credit to my store or cash.
Let me know,
its basically like keeping a backwards mantis. Highly evoilved, spikey legs in the back, herbivores, and want it dry, not wet. They grow in the same fashion as mantis, with instars and whatnot, but a little faster.
Welcome to the world of MANTISES!
Keep your substrate moist, but not too wet. Try keeping him under a desk light for warmth and humidity. I have handling mantids bulds a stronger, happier mantis, so no worries there. Does he have wings? If not anywhere from 1 to 3 months would be my guess...
i love pasadena, minus UCLA that is. :P
I have had good luck (in Long Beach), finding ooths in decidous trees, such as peach, maples, and the brush around them. As Rick said, the weedier the better!
if your looking for a decent humidifer-measuring unit, try Oregon Electronics or something like that. Thats what i use for my plants. Comes with a "mother unit" and two "probes". ~$50.
I think humidity foam is a god-send. It not only raises humidity, it creates a nice little pad if your babies...