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  1. H

    Can I feed only "Vitamanized" crickets?

    I live in San Diego and there are a lot of insects around here. If you can't find them then that is strange. You could try soft worms too if you wanted, wax worms or butter worms.
  2. H

    Calcium supplements

    That's cool. I didnt know Chitin didn't have calcium in it. I guess that answers my question :roll:
  3. H

    Calcium supplements

    I don’t worry about bone marrow disease for my inverts. I was just stating that the calcium supplement is used so reptiles don’t get the dieses. I have seen some lizards with this dieses and it is very sad. Even though insect don’t have bones the exoskeleton is just like bones. I would think...
  4. H

    Keeping temperature on nymphs?

    Would that just make them grow a little bit slower? I was thinking about just keeping them all at room temperature but wasn't sure what would happen. I live in San Diego so it doesn’t get that cold.
  5. H

    Keeping temperature on nymphs?

    Hey everyone! Well I know that some mantids need to be kept at warmer temperatures and I know that heat pads can help. What my question is how do you keep 50 nymphs at that temperature? Once they hatch most people would separate them to stop cannibalism and you can’t put a heat pad on every...
  6. H

    Calcium supplements

    Hi everyone. WELL…… I use calcium supplements for all of my lizards (like everyone should). Bone marrow disease is a terrible thing for any animal to get. :cry: I have given my tarantulas some crickets with the supplement but I don’t go out of my way to do it every feeding. I was wondering if...
  7. H

    Woah, cool site!

    Ya, they can be shipped there. I live in San Diego so we are really close. You can buy mantids ooths at local garden stores and hatch them yourself. Just a little idea :wink:
  8. H

    WTB Ghosts, Orchids, or Dead Leafs

    Hey everyone. I am looking for: Deroplyats dessicata (Dead Leaf) Phyllocrania paradoxa (Ghost) or Hymenopus coronatus (Orchid) Any age or even ooths. Please e-mail me at [email protected] Thank!
  9. H

    What DO you do?

    I am always scared that someone is going to crush my inverts limbs inside their deli cups. :shock:
  10. H

    Hey, I'm Mark

    I've been on the forums for weeks now haha. I have seen how you live on the forums Asa.
  11. H

    Close one

    Well turkey and chicken taste different. They are both birds. I mean if all birds tasted the same I would just kill some crows in my front yard and have dinner. That sounds really red neck but I’m not :wink:
  12. H

    Chinese Dying

    I would say I had over 150.
  13. H

    Acrylic Cages

    They look great. More air flow is always nice.
  14. H

    Close one

    I wonder if exotic insects taste better to native animals then just regular insects. I would imagine they would.
  15. H

    Shipping dead stuff

    I like AFK's idea the best. :roll:
  16. H

    Fluorescent Lighting?

    I don’t think a florescent light would be an issue but I think that it shouldn’t be left on 24/7. I think everything needs a night and day cycle. I leave my UV light on my reptiles for 12 hours out of the day then its night time :D I would think it should be the same for insect as well. You...
  17. H


    That’s awesome. How long does it usually take? Thanks for the help!!
  18. H

    Chinese Dying

    Ya I decided to separate a lot of them. I made my girlfriend help me so it didn't take that long :twisted:. She also helps me feed and water them so it isn’t that bad. It’s not that I have a lot of free time (I work two jobs and I'm finishing up school) it’s that I love working with inverts and...
  19. H

    Chinese Dying

    I decided to separate 105 of my Chinese into 4 oz. deli cups. I feed and water them almost every other day. I started to notice that if a cricket is left in the container for about a day and the mantis doesn’t eat it, the mantis dies. Now I am not sure if it is because they are babies and a lot...
  20. H


    Hey. I was just curious about how mantids molt. I know tarantulas turn over on their backs and look like they about to die. I have looked for pictured but I haven’t found any too great. Maybe someone can post some. I just don’t know what to expect. Thanks! Mark